What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Eh

I am sick of people at the moment.

I never seem to get a good friend. I'm always the one who organises things in order to catch up. But then I feel like it's all wasted effort, as they don't really seem to want to bother doing any running around themselves.

Aye. Oh well, it's the weekend now and I can drink my sorrows away.

I'm waiting for my mate to get back to me so I know what's happening tomorrow with who's driving and stuff still though.

I might have a drink tonight.

Crap. I did just go to get coke out of the fridge before and there was none left. <_< What on earth am I going to drink my Jacks with? :gasp:
Mood: Sleepy, tired, but anxious.

Reason: Long week, but now, this week, I'm staying in town with my dad. So I get to hang out with friends, check out the 4th of July fireworks, have a cookout and bonfire, and practice tennis on the actual courts. ^^
Mood: Annoyed but good.

Ack.. I hate Centrelink. They are the root of all evil, I say! They screwed up a payment because they cant post on time, and now I have to wait till after the weekend to get paid! But otherwise I'm good.. a bit tired from screwed up sleeping patterns but good nonetheless.
Mood: Hungry

Not sure if that's a mood, but it's all I'm feeling at the moment. :gasp:

I just ate a ham and pineapple roll and now I'm waiting for my mate to get here so we can go get more food at the shops. XD

Going to be yet another long weekend this weekend. I don't mind, but it means I will get no sleep or rest whatsoever. XD

Its 2 in the morning and im wide awake, usually id be Ko'd by now but im not even slightly tired :D Ah well its not like i ahev to get up early 2 moro anyway. Metting Jimbo for a pint and a burger imorn so that should be a lugh xD
Mood: Good

Reason: Great day in the rain yesterday, brolly abuse as hilarious, off to Kellys tonight, think the girls might all be round, but I tend to forget what I agree too, so Im not sure, all I know is my Saturday night involves wine. Good stuff
Mood - Refreshed.

I had a good nights sleep for once, since the weather seems to have calmed down now. It's not rainy or cold, but it's not mega-phail warm either. Got a driving lesson in about ten minutes, and doing fuck all for the rest of the day. Lazy days are amaziiing.
My mood is best described as frigid... I for some reason cannot shake a tingling feeling...
Mood: Alright

Just got home a while ago from my mates place and we come home to see a gorgeous Holden Ute smashed into a power poll. <_<

The fuckwits will never learn. They always think that shit won't happen to them until it finally does happen.

Who gives a kid a nice as car to thrash about like that anyway?

If the poll had not been there they would have ended up on the footpath and potentially hitting someone and/or gone through the house directly in front of it.

Effing assholes don't know when to stop. It makes me sick. Thankfully our house is in a much better position and it would be unlikely for someone to smash through it.

Was out yestterday day and night and im paying for it now D:
Went to the shop, got junk food, as you do when your hungover and now im resting. I met a member off of fff yesterday which was pretty interesting, hes a really fast drinker xD I plan on doing nothing today, might dabble with photoshop as im feeling inspired to make something.
Mood: Bleeeeh

Reason: ended up going out last night, welllllllll couldnt be arsed, i wasnt dressed for it, I felt fat and bloated, and I was skint - Kelly ssaid she's get the beers in. damn good job really, I hate ha ving a bad night knowing ive paid for it ¬.¬

well, it wasnt wholly bad, it started off really well, we met some random couple in the first bar, who ended up tagging along with us, she was shit faced :gonk: then we got to hyde and I saw an old friend so she tagged along with us too when jane went home, then we went into ashton, rachel paired off with man, kelly was chatting up some bouncer woman and it all went down hill from there really -__-

i was arguing witht this fucking beast of a bouncer woman, Kelly has a gf, and Im like youre going to regret this in the morning, youre comin g home with me lest you do something stupid

stupid like fucking off to the toilets for ages ¬.¬ I sat GLOWERING at the exit for ages then i went in, banged on the door told kelly i was fucking going then one of the male bouncers came in, told them to get out of the loos an d as it emerged it gave me a right smug look, and said l iek, dont fuckign say anything to me you -__-

Im thinking, dont you dare look down your nose at me, YOU'RE the one that just emerged from a toilet cubicle in a bar doing whatever it was you were doing, stupid fat cow ¬.¬ All I was tryi ng to do was stop my mate making a mistake

Ooooh I was fuming, I just shouted through t he door (kelly was still in there) that i was going an d stomped off home, some random men yelled OI at me, so they got told to fuck off too -__-
Mood: Annoyed

Getting over this routine I've come to make for myself.

Come home, get on the internet, go to bed, get back up for work again.

Aye, it's driving me nuts.

I think I really need to start doing other things, such as going to the gym and interacting with people again like I used to with my old hobbies.

I did Kung-Fu for six years, bowling for ten years and now I do nothing. <_<

I think I'm going to give up stuffing around on the computer so much and I'm considering even selling it. It's such a time waster and I really could use that extra $39 a month I spend on the internet.

I have one more year of this shit plan though, so maybe in a year when it runs out I'll give it up. Thank gosh my phone plan runs out this November. <_< I am over 'HAVING' to pay bills at a certain time each month.

Reason: Ellie woke me up at some unknown offensive hour, mithering me every 5 minutes tilk I gave up and got up, then some was doing something that sounded like drilling outside, and that must have been at like, 8am, the weathers shit too, looks like the summer might be over :gonk:

My house is a mess, I wellll have loads of clothes to put away and bed sheets to change. Can I be arsed? Can I fuck

And it serves me right for going to bed late ¬.¬
Mood: Sleepy, tired, but alright.
Reason: Woke up maybe half an hour agoish? I dunno. I'm bored. Dunno what I wanna do. Either go play GoW2 with the guyz, or go hang with some family friends who have a trampoline.

I really cba with college when we're in our last week and watching videos, it's the most pointless thing ever, but at least it means an easy week...and the weather is going to the extreme, one day it's 30C the next it's having downpours which means you can't plan anything D:
Mood: Bored and Hungry

Reason: I just cant seem to find something to do....I almost want to play some FFVII but I just cant seem to muster the will power to make myself do it. And I am really hungry but I know I dont have anything to snack on and dont really have a bunch of money to go spend on some fast food. Ugh it just sucks...-__-
Mood - Beyond fucking irritated.

I'm totally knackered. Got up at 7am after less than 3 hours sleep cause I had this "extended project" information meeting at college. Which was a total waste of time, effort and energy. And I haven't had a minute to myself all day, cause the girlfriend came around after college, which was fine, but we didn't get any alone time at all. Lame x_x
Mood: Sleepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:ohshit::confused::argh::gasp::tard:I'M SERIOUS!!!!


Can you try to add a little more effort to your posts and try to make a tad more sense please? :gonk:

Mood: Cranky

Reason: I'm absolutely shattered and it's making me a right grump, one more episode of Buffy and I'm sodding off to bed. If I get woke up at the crack of dawn again in the morning Im going to kill someone