What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Tired

Reason: Don't thin kIm sleeping well, Im tired all the time, and its doing my head in, either tha, oR Im getting old and it's lingering effects of hangover -__- Got this shitting assesment tomorrow aswel, gunna take about an hour apparently, can't say Im looking forward to that either, anything maths related fails, bah ¬¬
Mood - Great.

I finally had more than 4 hours of sleep, so I'm all refreshed and invigorated. And, I'm enjoying the perfect lazy day. FFIX is a great game to play, and it's lovely and peaceful being home alone all day too.

And, Damon and I have came up with a great word. Twunt (Twat+Cunt :wacky:). It's awesome. :monster:
Mood: Good/pessimistic

Reason: Conflicting emotions! :gonk:

Had that job assessment today, the maths side was like.....omgwut? I breezed the English side of it, but Im not sure I managed to make the grade what with how abysmal I am at maths. Oh well, Il find out next week :gonk:

I FINALLY bought that casserole dish Ive been after for AGES today, £3.50 from instore, woo. So I made homemade cauliflower cheese and it was epic. I actually managed to cook something all by myself without fuckign up, I know it's hardly the most complicated meal in the world but still.....it's an accomplishment for me xD
Mood: XBOX. Yes I have been playing Star Ocean The Last Hope non stop. Infact the challenge is quite freakin hard but Im not giving up. This challenge of getting 1000G is probably one of the freakin hardest challenges ever but Im not stopping XD. I also need to catchup on my other rpgs! -__- Lost Odyssey.
Meeting at college. Which was a total waste of time, effort and energy.
Yeah, I've founf out those too D: basically, if it's nothing to do with university then 99% of college meetings are pointless :ness:

Tired ;_;

I can't wait until college finished on Friday, it's now the most pointless thing ever. What's the point even turning up to lessons for the teachers to turn around and say that nobody wants to be here so we'll watch a video...I'd rather be off doing something more productive. :monster:

1st lesson tomorrow, History, video. Fantastic.
Mood : Happy little raver fgt.
Yes. That is in fact a mood.

Reason: My techno music, gonna chill with my besty soon, and I feel tonight will be good.
✖Bunny✖;572975 said:
Mood : Happy little raver fgt.
Yes. That is in fact a mood.

Reason: My techno music, gonna chill with my besty soon, and I feel tonight will be good.

Mood: Tired, Annoyed

Reason: Massive hangover. D:

Last night kicked ass though.

Come on guys, a little bit more explanation in your posts please ^^

Mood - Relaxed.

I had a really really lazy day. I had a mini-rant to Mandi earlier which let out all my anger, and since then, I've just been so relaxed and calm. Very peaceful day. Tomorrow should be good too. With a bit of luck, the store will have my book in, and I'll be able to read that in peace during the afternoon, while playing on FFIX some more.

Or like, go to Starbucks and look around Borders. Either is fine by me :ryan:
Angry, hungry, and angsty.

Anger because i wasted a year trying to befriend this girl and she still doesn't trust me so i cut off contact with her.

Last time i ever try to become friends with a girl, they all turn out the same. Either be straight or piss off, i don't like playing damn mind games. Its not cute, its irritating.

Hungry because well....when aren't i hungry? Having a high metabolism sucks donkey butt.

Angst...well, something big is happening in a week or so.
Mood: Fat

Reason: Due on my period and it makes me bloated and get the muchies. blah. Had a pretty lazy day today, just spent the whole day watching Buffy, not done a thing, in a pretty good mood, just been slobbing around eating for the most part, still have housework to do, it'l still be there tomorrow.... ¬.¬ I'l get i t done then.... ¬.¬
Mood: :D

I'm watching Angel!

More effort please, there are guidelines in the first post ^^;

Mood : Happy/Tired

Reason : Today's been a pretty good day. Went down town, got my book, went to Starbucks. Pretty lazy day really, done nothing of importance, but I've had a fun and rewarding time. I've made some new stuff in photoshop which I'm quite happy with, and I've had quite a relaxing day.

Just need to force myself to go to bed now. xD
Mood: cranky

Reason: I'm due on my period and it's making me snappy, that sucky week I mentioned I'm due next week is gunna suck all the more for the period...oh well, at least all the crap will be happening in a short space of time so I can get it all out of the way in one go.. might have to see who's available this weekend for beers, Im gunna end up doing my nut otherwise *grumbles*

Gonna get my stuff ready for a wedding tomorrow, though i have to help move some stuff in a new house for a relative of mine.

Mood: tired, good.

I was up till half 4 last night, doing god knows what on the laptop. I was so desperate to sit and play FF12 but I knew if I moved my mum would hear me and make me go to sleep -__-
But now I'm awake so is my mum its time to sit and spend the day playing games ;D
Mood : Tired.

I'm feeling very tired, uninspired and bored today. I've had a headache all day, and I just can't be bothered with anything. I think I just need more sleep, which I should be able to get, now that I don't have a driving lesson on Sundays, and my brother's sleeping round his friends house, so he won't barge into my room and wake me up.

Mood: Pretty good

I've had a pretty relaxing weekend. I went to my mum's for her birthday dinner last night and she liked the goodie basket I made up for her. XD

Going out again tonight for dinner with Steve's family who've just come up from South Australia.

Oh and I've had two great nights of sleep too! Friday and Saturday night I just passed out I was that tired, but it meant I caught up on my beauty sleep. XD

I wanted to stay up and have a few drinks with Steve and watch some movies, but I've not yet opened the bottle or even been in the T.V room. XD

Beautiful day today too. I was going to go fishing, but I don't like the guy that Steve is going fishing with. So I stayed home and caught up on some housework. XD
Mood: Meh

Reason: There is nothing really interesting to do at the moment. I want to go to sleep so I can fix my sleeping pattern but I am too awake right now. In other words I want to sleep and I want to be awake at the same time.... :confused: