What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood - Excited.

Today's the day we're off to see Harry Potter and Bruno, it should be a right laugh - if we can get in for Bruno that is :wacky: I bet it rains or something though. I can't wait to see everyone again ^^ and, I've wanted to see Harry Potter 6 and Bruno for ages anyway, so it'll be a great day =D
Mood: Bored

I got home early and I just finished watching Angels and Demons on DVD and I don't have anything else/left to do. I've always been busy for these past few weeks and--wow.

This feeling is new to me. :gasp:
Mood: Bored

I have nothing to do at the moment.

I've started watching all four seasons of The O.C box set yet again, but it's become a bit too much for me at the moment, after watching a disc nearly every night.

Steve still isn't home and his damn mobile has been disconnected yet again! If he didn't talk for so effing long on the phone, he wouldn't get humongous bills that he is forced to pay, yet doesn't! Then he wouldn't get disconnected!

Gah I so can't wait for the weekend. I get to go into the city at some hotel for my workmates going away thing on Saturday night. So it should be fun.


Still two more days of work though! XD
Mood:bored. Meh I am bored because I have like nothing to do but stay on this site and play Star Ocean TLH. The challenge is killing me but Im likeing it so far. Btw if I do succeed YAY!. Right now im at a friends house and there is nothing to do but stay here. Meh...
Mood: Bored

Reason: I've been forced to do academic stuff to revise for GCSEs and stuff. And another? Well, if I'm busy I can't get on here can I? Also I'm not allowed to sleep until noon. -__-
Mood: Hungry

I feel like treating me and Steve to some take-out tonight. But I don't know what I feel like.

I think I may go cook a sausage roll for the minute, as Steve doesn't get home for another hour or so and I can't wait that long for food. XD

Only one more day and then it's the weekend!

We should have received our XBOX back from getting fixed by now too. <_<
Mood: Tired

Reason: late nights weird dreams and early mornings suck, I wasnt very well yesterday either, came on all of a sudden, but Im fine now, just some random not eeling wellness stealthing me out by the looks of it

Im also irritated, i ts taking an AGE for my mouth to heal, ive had soreness for WELL over a week now, just hurry the fuck up and DISSOLVE stitches. I keep trying to stick my tongue out but its not happenening

At least im not feeling bored, yesterday was well grim, i was bored out of my skull all day. its gay that its weekend though and i have no plans AGAIN -__-
Mood - Bleh.

I'm bored. There's nothing to do and it's just one of those dreary boring days with shite weather. I've dome something or other to my left foot too, since it's very painful to walk on or even move D=

And, I want to strangle my brother already. He came back from Malta yesterday, and already he's driving me up the wall. I wish I was an only child -__-
Mood: Dying

Reason: Vodka. Decided to swap wine for vodka for once, and yet, here I am, still ill. Either Ive drank a full bottle to myself or some fucker polished what was left off while I was drunk. It would explain why Ive lost the latter end of the night though
I woke up to a note off Liam, I don't even remember him coming, he was just.....there when I turned around at some point, oh hello. hahaha, anyway, note on a peice of cardboard telling me that him and andy were the last to leave a nd that they have tidied up and mopped!!! the night DID start off manly, we talked women and footbal (sticker books lmaoooo) for a while, i just think the more everyone drank, the more they turned into women, at one point, olli and rob were stood measuring their chest waist and hips and comparing, bunch of idiots, apparently Ive taken af ew pictures and can confirm that he lot of them are gay, I even recall a talk about final fantasy with one of them.......he clocked all my strategy guides and appeared to be in heaven

It was an eventful night

Although, Ive woke up, hangover o f DOOM, turned my pc on and it was well loud. my poor head...and I bet my neighbours hate me, also, the kitchen window was open -__-

they tidied up at least, Il give them that xD And just to reiterate gayness, the note was decorated in pink pen :wacky:
Mood: Tired

I went out to the Story Bridge Hotel in Brisbane last night for my workmates going away party and I got so drunk.

Though it was a good kind of drunk. I still knew what I was doing enough not to cause a scene or whatever.

I first started off with two Jack Daniels, then my workmate shouted me a double Jack Daniels and then I had another two singles after.

In between I ate a pizza and don't even remember tasting it I was that drunk and numb to taste. XD

I did dance for a bit and talked to people I had never conversed with before.

Seeing as I've only been at work for a few months I hadn't really gotten to know everyone.

Anyway that's my story.
Mood : Tired & Ill.

It's half past 6, and I'm still awake. I don't know why either, I'm totally shattered. Thing is though, I keep throwing up, so I might as well busy myself on the PC in between bathroom dashes, rather than lying in bed. =/ I think I've caught something off my mother, since she's came back from Malta and was complaining about being ill. Blah.
sooo hungover

I was at a 21st last night which happened to be fancy dress, i went as a pirate. MY costume was actually amazing but it had one flaw....:gonk: there were no pockets. I had to keep my fone and money down my boxers which was horribly uncomfortable and such ¬_¬ anyway it was a good night but im suffering for it now, i need to go to the shop and get lucozade which im hoping will cure the hangover..
Mood: Bloated

I ate so much for dinner.

First I had fish and chips and at the same time I had a pizza and garlic bread. Because Steve wanted pizza and I wanted fish and chips. So we shared and now I am so sick.

Gah. I am not liking this body at the moment.

I've been watching the O.C. for the past few weeks and I just wish I had a body like Summer's. =0
Mood: Hungry

Only got home from work around 8pm and Steve was meant to be home at 8:30pm but he must have more overtime again.

I am so hungry. Who the hell is gonna cook me dinner? =(

I may just go get some yummy HJ's or Maccas if I feel like driving.

Oh the joys of being an independent adult. <_<
Mood - Weird and tired.

I woke up at 4am, after falling asleep at 1am, so I'm fairly tired and spacey right now. I keep having weird dreams, on Sunday night I had this weird dream that me and Amanda were being chased by Nazis, but were also somehow in the Sound of Music and flying around in a hot air balloon. And last night I just kept hearing senpai everywhere and was in the world of Persona 4.

Mood: Hungry

I want pasta or something and at the moment I'm currently eating Doritos. <_<

So much for my healthy diet. =0

I have to go to work on Saturday morning at 8am for like an hour or so. =( No sleep in for me. <_<

But I get to go out to dinner that night, so that's exciting! =D I've been saving real good too so soon enough I will have that house on the beach. XD

My kids will be proud to call me their mother. XD When I have kids that is. XD
Mood: Irritated

Reason: Postman STILL hasnt brought me new frock -__- All it's done alllll week is RAIN. Infact, that's all it's done all month. i've actually got my HEATING on for thefirst time in god knows how long, Im amazed it still works. I mean, I know we had a nice June but fuck me its JULY, it shouldnt be this miserable every sodding day. Being stuck in the house all day every day gets old fast, at least when the weathers nice I can go for strolls out and stuff but NO