What's Your Mood? V2.

~Pumped up and hot as hell~

Watching the movie "Varsity Blues" up in our game room, kinda getting me pumped to play some football later on today. It's hot as hell down here in Mississippi so as soon as we're done with football, I'm hoppin' the fence to go swimmin'!
Mood: Happy

I got to leave work at 4pm today!

I got home while it was still light out and put on another load of washing. Then I intend to put all the dry clothes away and do the dishes. Then I need to strip the bed and lay new sheets across it.

Gosh knows when we last changed them. XD

I just watched the highlights of the Ashes are realised how shit England are, although in cricket I have a bias towards Australia anyway. I'll probably just chill out and laugh at my brother and sister for still having school until Friday. :ryan:
Good, but tired.

I had about three hours sleep last night, if not less cause I was very disorientated when I woke up xD, I had a pretty good day though, went down the town so my mother could get some last-minute things for their holiday to Malta, I got a book and a Starbucks out of it, so it was cool. Driving lesson went much better, now that his car has a new clutch. And, I had a little nap before waking up about 2am.

So all in all, a good, but tiring day.
Mood: Slightly irritated.

Yeah, I'm having some problems with a friend of mine is all. I'm lazy to type the details, they dun matter xD. <3
Mood: Meh Pretty Decent

Reason: Last night I got a good 7 hours of sleep, only once waking up to the bunny. I have had crap sleep all the week thus far, so today I feel a little better, but still tired of course. Hopefully this weekend I'll catch a few Z's.
mood: so- so

Reason: its the week of doom, Ive barely done anything, since like Friday, I was UNBELIEVABLY hungover on Saturday, I ended up in bed for half 9. Note to self: Cheap wine - Don't go there. I wasn't half ill, and I had no paracetamol ¬¬

Took Ellie to view her school today, she starts in September, she poured a glass of water over some boy and had a paddy when we were leaving, showing me up little get ¬¬

Gay tongue procedure thingy was yesterday, that was fail on so many levels, injections in your tongue are NOT nice, I barely kept in control of myself, I went all tense, my heart was going like the clappers and I was desperately trying to control my breatihing because I was on the verge of having a panic attack...its making me feel iffy just thinkign aout it :gonk: I didnt feel the cutting or the stitching but knowing what was going on was enough to make me nasueous. Oh it was gay, so very very gay, I thought I was going to pass out, or throw up, or both. Got in my dads car and made the mistake of looking in the mirror and felt a wave of even WORSE nausea it was so grim, got to my mums and slunk off to bed for a few hours, drooled blood on the pilow and got told off becuase she had just washed the fuckers, excuse ME for having a gob full of blood ¬¬ Once the numbness wore off i was in agonnnnnnnny

Still not managed anything solid coz all it does is HURT, although Ive had some anadin extra and the pain seems to be nicly numbed again, to the point where im actually debating on having something solid .....

I came on my period today to. Oh yay

and im STILL waiting to hear how that assesment went, can't say Im op timistic mind, I just want putting out of my misery
Mood: Tired

Just got back from my mates place after a few drinks and such.

I wanted to watch a movie, but I'm too bloody tired now and it's bloody cold.

I'm sick of this Winter crap. It's meant to be hot, even in Winter, SO WHY IS IT FREEZING LIKE IGLOO WEATHER???!!!

11°C and due to go down to 9°C tonight sometime. It's bloody ridiculous. I am so moving up to Townsville when I have the opportunity. NO more cold weather is to be experienced by me.
I'm sick of this Winter crap. It's meant to be hot, even in Winter, SO WHY IS IT FREEZING LIKE IGLOO WEATHER???!!!

11°C and due to go down to 9°C tonight sometime. It's bloody ridiculous. I am so moving up to Townsville when I have the opportunity. NO more cold weather is to be experienced by me.

HAhahahahaha you have no idea how hard i just laughed thats not cold at all :wacky:
Thats normal weather temperature here most of the time rofl.

My mood good

Woke up waaay to early this mornin 6 am to be exact. Had a good night last night and went out today for a few hours so im just back at home now relaxing and away to have like the best dinner ever. Might be goin out tonight, not sure im kinda 50/50 atm
HAhahahahaha you have no idea how hard i just laughed thats not cold at all :wacky:
Thats normal weather temperature here most of the time rofl.

Yah but when you've lived in QLD your entire life and used to 35+ in Summer, you get pissed off when it goes below 20! :gasp:

It's freaking ANTARCTICA weather to me! It's crap! XD
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Mood: not too bad

Reason: Bowl of ice cream in front of me, been blaring the jaems out and decided Im having some wine tonight, I deserve the alcohol! Only having one bottle though, I dont want to get pissed and doing myself injury, that would be grim. Yesterday though was like, the most boring day of my life ¬¬
Mood: Alright

Just woke up not long ago and still pretty tired. It's 10am on a Sunday! What to do, what to do?

I would go out and buy me a Wii Fit but I'm trying to save. <_<

I may just exercise on the equipment we already have. I'm trying to go on a healthy diet.

In which I only eat fruit and veges mostly and exercise every day. No more of this sitting on the computer crap whilst eating chips. <_<

I don't want to become a heffa like every other woman in this town who thinks once they have a boyfriend that they no longer have to try. <_<
Mood - Weird.

I'm really really knackered, yet I can't seem to fall asleep. I tried, and I laid in bed for about 2 hours and stayed wide awake. Urgh. I don't know whether I want to be awake or asleep. It's doing my head in. It's quite fun being home alone too. Since my mum and brother are in Malta, and my dad's at work till 7pm. First time I've ever been properly home alone, so maybe that's why I can't sleep =/
Mood: Alright

Reason: Finally ATE something PROPER with little to no pain, woohoo. The hangover seems to have passed relatively quickly aswel. Anadin extra and some proper grub <3 Scoffing yet more ice cream, although, Im all out once this bowl has gone :gonk:

Oh well, Im just glad Im getting movement back in my tongue, its stuill swollen though, and I still cant stick it out, but its heading in the right direction at least. Hurry up and dissolve, stictches ¬¬
Mood: Tired

Reason: I don't exactly feel tired, but my body appears to be tired. Like my eyes are half closed and my body seems to be slowly shutting itself down. So I'm pretty sure it's because I am tired.. either that or I'm dying. :monster:

I love the 6/7 weeks holiday as much as the next person but I hate these sort of days in them where there's nothing to do in them whatsoever and you're just sat at home all day, and what's worse is that it's sunny D: Plus !B is trying to rape me. :ness:
Mood: Accomplished

Reason: Well I went out an bought a new armoire. I was pretty expensive, but our old one is near 50 years old. We also painted the entire master bedroom. I did pretty much most of the work, aside from the trim. After applying two coats of paint, I was pretty worked. We decided to go see a movie, and half way through it I wasn't feeling it, so we walked out. Pretty good weekend.
Mood: Lazy but Happy

Reason: I well havent been up long, I think I needed the sleep ¬¬ Im supposed to be going into Ashton today, i need facewash, Im scraping the edges ....I suppose Il have to go, I cant be using soap on my face that would just suck...ugh has me over a barrell, a BARRELL I tell you

Oh and would you beleive, its just started raining....swinethhhhh

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sorry, spike

Mood: tired

Reason: I did not get any sleep last night because of a construction site nearby that was working late hours, and i had to walk 3 dogs this morning