What's your mood?

Mood: Happy and annoyed
Reason: Happy= I passed my test and have almost finished my coursework, all of it ^^
Angry= My socieolgy hates me and is just being an overall meanie.....
Mood: Crazy
Reason: KG was away from civilization too logn and is wonder what the person is trying to say when he says 'asylum"
Mood: Hyper
Reason: Dave. Well, he got me started on all the dirty talk. :P Plus all the fun in the spam threads with my sis, bro, hubby and TB was a lot of fun. And, my friend and I are getting attacked by the Christmas decorations she put up xD. Heh, talking to Stephan also, I'm happy =]]].
Mood: Hyper
Reason: Dave. Well, he got me started on all the dirty talk. :P Plus all the fun in the spam threads with my sis, bro, hubby and TB was a lot of fun. And, my friend and I are getting attacked by the Christmas decorations she put up xD. Heh, talking to Stephan also, I'm happy =]]].

Mood: ... coins O_O ... *pmsl*
Reason: Sephire. She got me all "hyper" too.
Mood: tired, very hungry, and excited that the weekend is almost here
I'm feeling very lukewarm right now. I'm not particularly happy right now, nor am I particularly sad.