What's your mood?

Mood: Good

Reason: Date went well, and it's been day of laziness so all is good, altho im going to my mums and I just can't be arsed motivating myself :wacky:
Mood: Pleasant

Reason: No school, no work, no nothing. I woke up, watched tv, went on a jog, cleaned myself up, and have been loafing around ever since. Nothin' to complain about yet!
Mood: Tireddd and annoyed
Reason: I haven't had a proper night's sleep since last friday, and I'm annoyed at people :wacky:
Mood - Lazy, but content.
Why - I haven't actually done anything all day, but I got up to disk 2 on FFIX, so it's all good ^_^
Mood: also lazy but content ^_^

Reason: Had an epic day at the jungle gym, came home filled my face and have just slobbed around since. 'tis all good
Mood: Stressful and Annoyed

Reason: Didn't sleep at all in the last two days, plus just found out my best friend's boyfriend is cheating on her, and she found out and...
huge controversy here is all I'll say...
Mood: Enthralled
Reason: Holy bajeesus. Okay, since the Juniors have to take the ACT/MME (a required state exam) for the next three days, all other students have those days off. This was really unexpected, but I am LOVING it. Tomorrow I'm spending the entire day with five other people who are the best people I've ever met, Wednesday I'm catching up on classes I fell behind in, and Thursday I'm going to a play and going out for the day with some other people. It's like a mini-vacation almost. :]

Speaking of which, it's 16 days until I get to go to New York City with my school's choir. Ground Zero, Ellis Island, Broadway, Stomp, Broadway Workshop (WITH THE ACTORS AND SINGERS AAAH), Top of the Rock, Hard Rock Cafe, Times Square, NBC Studios, and more! I am SO FREAKING EXCITED, and I get three days of school off plus the weekend for it. I've never been to NYC and I haven't been on vacation since Sophomore year, so I am pumped. This is especially rad because aside from a couple days in Chicago, I haven't been in an urban environment since Washington D.C, where I lived from 0-3 years old.

And three days after I get back from NYC, I'm going on a road trip with my five best friends to Florida to a condo we rented out with my friend's parents. We basically get to have our own house, and a bunch of other groups of people are going down there for their own Spring Break, so we get to have house parties and stock the fridge and do whatever we want. Indoor pool, washer and dryer, and a BLENDER. That's all I need for life right now.

Also, I'm getting cosmetic contacts in the next couple of weeks, so I'm just really excited to change something about myself. So much to look forward to, I just might die. D:

Also, I decided that I'm not taking the AP Calc exam, and I've almost decided which college I'm going to. Yay for finally making decisions! ^_^
Mood: YeeHaw!

Reason: Becasue I often say "YeeHaw, Jester's dead!" when killing a friend in a shooter.
Mood: Bored

Reason: Nothing to do...well there is but Ijust cant be arsed -_-
Mood: Sick
Reason: It's probably from working so much. I haven't been getting the rest I've needed so I was an easy prey to many colds going around