What's your mood?

Mood: Bored

Reason: naff all to do and im still sore and i worked out last night taht vodka and antibiotics dont go well together :wacky:
No more beer for me til next weekend xD
Mood: Sick but Excited!
Reason: Well being sick should be pretty obvious, but it's Easter! I'm actually going to cook dinner tonight mainly for me and my best friend. Usually I get fast food on Easter.
Mood: Anxious

Reason: Blaaaah, I finally get to go to New York City in only three days!! I don't travel much out-of-state, and the fact that I get to go there with a whole bunch of cool choir kids just makes it that much sweeter. I'm probably looking forward to seeing Stomp most, or maybe Spamalot on Broadway. Or maybe being on the Today show. Seeing Ground Zero and Ellis Island should be cool, too.

Also, I get to go in to the office tomorrow after school and try on colored contacts and hopefully get a better one for my right eye... and if I get to order them, I should have them by Spring Break and it will be amazing!

Also, Big Brother comes on tonight and it should be sweet. :elmo:
Mood: Bored yet again

Reason:Nothing to do as per usual, Iv been invited out for a few hours but that's not gunna happen, fecking public transport and also, the F1 is on so Im watching that seeing as I missed it this morning I fell asleep >_<
Mood: Egh
Reason: Eating my troubles away didn't work, just made me feel sick. =/
Just ending a week-long cold so in a way I'm feeling a bit better, plus Spring-time is here and I'm sooo ready for warm/hot weather and summer-time!
Mood: Shite

Reason:[WHINE] I have a drama exam tomorrow and wednesday, my cast smells fucking terrible, I'm dreading to think what i'll look like when it comes off. I'm feeling all that teenage angsty hormonal shit come up cause of some girl /wrists, I'm bored and have done nothing all weekend, Man Flu etc etc etc.

Mood: Not baaaaaad

Reason: Gunna drop my daughter off at my mums onight and maybe do something productive (like pay those ghastly bills) and pamper myself tonight to make up for epic dentist trip of doom tomorrow :dry:
Mood: Sick
Reason: Because my mum likes to make me almost throw up my spag bol by talking about my cat's operation whilst I'm eating. Not just any operation either, he got his cherries removed. >.<

Reason: I got accepted to U of M, found my teddy bear, and I'm going to NYC in one hour (as mentioned in mah spam thread). Really, this day has been perfect except for messing up a couple problems on my calc test, and that doesn't even matter now that the next two weeks are about to be PERFECT!

Mood: Not baaaad but....

Reason: Dentist wasn't as bad as I expected, I got off my arse and paid some bills (sorted my rent out FINALLY) I feel like I can relax abit there now....
But Im annoyed because I asent my entire DVD rack toppling and broke afew games cases that i had to painstaikingly superglue back together. Now my room looks like a bloody clearance sale or something o_O
Mood: Pretty good..

Reason: I also had the dentist, but it was alright I guess. >< Then I went to the creative dance festival which I reeaally enjoyed, and I'm thinking about getting back into dancing now lol. :neomon: