What's your mood?


Reason: Late night - got woke up at daft o'clock bybuilders and they are still here :dry:
Mood: Bleh
Reason: Just up, my head feels heavy still, and I'm hunnngry >_>
Mood: Exhausted
Reason: Between work and watching a pregnant horse waiting for it to give birth, I haven't went to bed before 6:30am since Tuesday, so I can't wait to go to bed tonight. It will be the first time in almost a week I'll actually go to bed at night instead of early in the morning.
Mood - tiredish
Reason - I woke up for work then found out I have the day off ...

I used to love doing that, Id wake up be well pissed off then think yeeeeeeaaaaah and go back to sleep :neomon: Anyway....

Mood: Tired

Reason: WORKMEN: Need I go on :stare:
Mood: Uppity
Reason: I'm looking forward to Carnage's big comeback! I cant wait to see what he has up his pants...I mean, sleeve! >_> yeah, sleeve...
mood: Pissed off

Reason: I have a throbbing headache, ear infection and sore tooth.

Plus, we had a math test that litterally no-one finished, I asked around.

Annnd, it was like a year 12 HSC exam, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Mood: Bothered and in pain.

Reason: I keep banging my head on stuff. The trunk of my car. The cupboard door. My headboard. This wall that extends over the staircase. If it happens again, I'm gonna poop all over that which hit me on the head.
Mood: Angry

Reason: I hate my damn avatar and I can't find a good one like the res of you!
Mood: Sick
Reason: I haven't been getting enough sleep, so because of the lack of rest, I've caught one of the many colds that have been going around. My nose is so runny I can feel it dripping out sometimes.
Mood: Tired

Reason: It's way past my bed time and im running on next to no sleep lately, its only a matter of time before i lose my marbles completely