What's your mood?

Mood: Explodey
Reason: I have been clearing out my room since half 2, and have thrown out SO much old crap, like 3 binbags full, and so far I have STILL only done under my bed and most of my desk. My bed and the floor is now covered in random bits and bobs that I need to arrange... God, I love cleaning and organising but my head feels as if it's about to explode, so I took a break and came on here. :monster:
Mood: Awake
Reason: I can't sleep, so I've just been lying awake for hours listening to music... Ahh it could be worse.
aww bless <3

Mood: Confused

reason: I was CONVINCED it was Sunday, I thought I'd overslept and missed the F1, put ITV on and reaslised there was no racing going on......scratched my head for abit before I realised it was Saturday.....Its gunna be one of those days-_-

I'm sexually aggravated at the moment, and have no-one to volunteer for a cockslap. D'=
Mood: Confused

reason: I was CONVINCED it was Sunday, I thought I'd overslept and missed the F1, put ITV on and reaslised there was no racing going on......scratched my head for abit before I realised it was Saturday.....Its gunna be one of those days
Haha that made me laugh. xD

Mood: Tired.
Reason: See 4am post about being awake. :monster:
Mood: Happy
Reason: Good movies are on tv tonight, and I have mcdonalds waiting for me for dinner!
Mood - Great!

Reason - I totally arranged my collection of books (I have over 200 O_O) DVDs and Games today. My room has never been tidier. And, I finally (after 5 months) put up some posters I bought in December, and my brothers PC got moved into my room xD

Pretty good day.
mood= crap

vodka decided to leave my stomach threw my mouth at 5 in the morning.
consequently i've had little sleep and still feel crap
oh woe is me:gasp:
Mood: Mildly miffed

Reason: It's late, im tired and i just KNOW im gunna sleep thru the F1 tomorrow <_< OH genious idea....Il leave the tv on hah!

Oh and Im also sleeping on the settee because i decided to fix my bed took the matress off removed the propping up speaker and realised I actually needed screws which meant tidying some shit up so i could find them....
...got that done then moved on to all my doduments and shit. Only just finished so I dont think il be fixing my bed now -_-

Next time il tidy at a reasonable hour :gasp:
Mood: Lonely
Reason: The boyfriend is gone for the week so it's just me here all by myself. I have the dogs for company but they're not really great company. I need human contact!
Mood - Relaxed

Reason - Todays been such a calm, peaceful day so far. I had a rather lovely shower and I'm sitting here listening to my most calming music.
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: I slept through most of the F1 infact slept most of the day whicjh means I won't slrrp tonight and I just KNOW the builders wil be back tomorrow to harrass me and wake me up early -_-

Reason: I have to deal with scheduling both my classes for next semester at my regular college and the upcoming semester in Tokyo. I have no idea what I'm doing and I have to register in less than 24 hours. I also need to hear back from several people before I can register. Serves me right for waiting until the last minute....
Mood: lost
Reason: Had a visit from pressure man last night and realised that I have big important exams in a months time and haven't started revising yet. >< Oh god, I don't even know where to start...