What's your mood?

Mood: Tired
Reason: I went to bed too late, and woke up way to early. It feels like I only took a nap instead of actually sleeping. I can't even take a nap because I have school and work today.
Mood: Angry

Reason: Doctor Who series four just started in Ebgland, and Australia has to wait till 2009, and Bambi missed it
Mood: Utterly foul

Reason: Brother refuses to listen to me, I've got so much stuff to do, I can't seem to not be jealous about particular person, another particular person is confusing the fuck out of me, I'm boreded, keep hurting myself via silly ways, my music player is playing up....fuck lets just say its my time of the month :wacky:
Mood: Mellow
Reason: Watching Thomas the Tank videos and drawing, what could be better?
Mood: Angry

Reason: Doctor Who series four just started in Ebgland, and Australia has to wait till 2009, and Bambi missed it

*kicks self*

Mood: Tired/off my rocker

Reason: Lack of sleep and I bought a new pink toaster fot 7 quid and i got really rather excited about it...I think I have lost my marbles :wacky:
Mood: Tired but gewd :monster:

REason: Workmen woke me up as usual, altho it serves me right for staying up all night. My floor i finally getting laid so I will have epic new kitchen soon

My mate is coming round tonight aswel and there is gunna be wine involved :monster:

All in all s'all good :neomon:
Mood: Mildly irritated.
Reason: I can't get anywhere on Tomb Raider, I keep going round in circles, got no idea what to do. D:

Mood: Bloodthirsty

Reason: It has something to do with the literature class I had today and that damn teacher. One day I'm gonna loose my patience and punch her right in the face.:huh:
Mood: Nervous
Reason: I just get shy and nervous and get hard to open up sometimes when I'm around a new group
Mood - Accomplished

Reason - I'm up to where Bambi was yesterday on KH, but I only started playing again last night.

Ursula can go DIE though.
Mood: Good

Reason: Although im hungover im feeling rather good, Im writinga strongly worded letter of complaint to new charter, my kitchen looks GLORIOUS and I just found out james will be touring again. Must. Get. Tickets