What's your mood?

Mood: amused/reminiscent
Reason: reading over old notes between me and a friend, god she cracks me up. xD
That's got to be awkward...

Mood: Bored.
Reason:... Well it's pretty obvious. I've got absolutely nothing to do and no one to do it with.
Mood: Happy
Reason: I went grocery shopping today so my house is loaded with good food, and I bought a new movie that I plan to watch tonight!

Reason: finally beat KH after ansem was being a cunt! Im a sad baastard I know, but i dont care :monster:
Mood: Really pissed off
Reason: Someone has been stealing my pics again and has been using them on a social site. They deleted their profile before I could say anything to them, and lucky they did
Wow Bei, that's pretty creepy. o_o Some people really have no life. :monster:

Mood: Meh
Reason: Doing biology homework so I could be better... although I love biology so I'm rather enjoying it. xD
Mood: Really down
Reason: Things just aren't going right today, and it looks like it is going to be a horrible weekend, so I'm pretty much trying to get it all out now before this weekend hits
Stressed. have a huge ass headache, just starting an 10 page paper for Monday that is my last college paper ever.

I just wanna get it over with and be carefree 'til finals.
[Will be] Sad and devastated. Getting denied to 7 different colleges and getting squat for financial aid is bound to take its toll sometime.
Mood: Feeling a little better
Reason: It's sunny here, so far I've had a good day. I took my dogs to the park and had some fun, and I'm going out to lunch today and made shopping plans for tomorrow!
Mood: Hyper

Reason: I'm annoying my neighbours playing Muse nice an' loud because I'm going out tonight (I actually tried to get out of it....but that went out the window :wacky: )

Im FAR too skint to be galavanting off into Manchester but Im out with the old work mates so I guess it has to be done :monster:
Mood: Happy and fun

Reason: You would be too if you just found out you're history teacher is being forced to do a sponsored sky dive... for the second year in a row! lmao my history is teacher is extremely bullied lol, every year he has to do a crazy thing like being sludged or jumping out of planes, :D

Also my next door neighbours are moving away so no longer will I have to suffer the torment of having to wake up at 2:00am because they have VERY LOUD SEX.