What's your mood?


Reason: I'd rather not go on a tangent about how shit life is today :gasp:

Plus I need to go to the shop because I NEED NICOTINE -__-
Mood: Kind of happy, Kind of busy
Reason: I've received some really good news today that might actually make up for everything that has been going wrong, but it's not a sure thing so I don't want to get my hopes up over it.
Mood: Just meh
Reason: Nothing good happening today, and nothing bad happening. For once it looks like I might have a normal day, unless for some reason something comes up which I'm really hoping it doesn't.

reason: I won 2 bargainous items on ebay, got a new CD?DVD to perv over and my mate is on her way round. We are gunna have wine and fajitas. All is good for me today, should change my name to content dragon....
Mood: Hungover

Reason: Wine....ugh, I really need to stop drinking, I feel shitty today, I was supposed to be going to the gym, but feck that I aint going NO WHERE
Mood: gooood
Reason: Got a decent night's sleep last night for the first time in ages, and i'm so glad it's the weekend now...
Mood: Pissed off

Reason: I get only 20 minutes to post in these forums. Why? Because I have swimming lessons tommorow and I also gotta clean around the house. Why do families always have to ruin weekends??
Mood: Thrilled
Reason: I just got a little extra money, so I get to splurge a little tomorrow for dinner! I was sick of eating ramen soup all week.
Mood : Great!

Reason - I've had a relaxing (ie Lazy) day, and I've found a song I've been searching for ages =]
Mood: Sad Panda
Reason: I have to work my butt off next week and I'm afraid that I won't have any time for anything else. Sometimes I hate work.
Mood: Sad :sad2:
Reason: I was suppose to go to this dance with a girl i like, but when i got their, their was no one there so i decided to leave. We are going to the movies net week anyways.
Mood: pissed off
Reason: I'm being yelled at for not appearing happy when i feel miserable. ugh.
Mood: pissed off

Reason: Dirty Bolton Cheaters...and Wiley...Diouf...Nolan:mad:
- 4 blatant penalties ignored
- Referee...
- Linesman doesn't know what offside is
- Campo walks 4yrds to stand on Johnson and only sees yellow
- Diving Diouf
- Nolan tries to 2 foot Arca (ie, leg breaking tackles)
- We lost
- Bolton


Reason 2: Coursework
- Have 20 pages of A3 coursework to do by Monday
- German Exams 4 days after my birthday
- Revision
- Go back to school in 2 days

Reason 3: Madonna ft. Justin Timberlake - 4 Minutes
- Its on pretty much EVERY music channel...or on the radio...or someone in the house is listening to it
- It sounds if it belongs on High School Music :dry:
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Mood: Not baaaad

reason: Just filled my face, and playing KH....altho its pissing me off -__-

I just fully intend on slobbing out tonight
Mood : Blah, but good.

Reasons : French coursework, I need it done by Monday, but I keep putting it off. And I REALLY can't be bothered with the French oral exams.

But, I have Pasta and now I'm watching Desperate Housewives DVDs =]
Mood: BLEH
Reason: I tell my dad I hate haddock, so what does he make for tea? Haddock. I feel queasy. :sick: