What's your mood?


Reason: I Have tickets too see James! I totally have to contain my excitement because it's not til December. I'm so excited I could puke :wacky:

*does a victory dance*
Mood: Perfect
Reason: I told her that I loved her, and the best part is that I didn't even plan it. It just came out naturally and it was brilliant. :elmo:
Mood - Nervous Breakdowny.

Reason - It's my final Drama exam today and we're so not ready, and we're the first group to perform, and excpecting us not to laugh at one of the other groups is retarded D:
Mood: Hungover

Reason: ALcohol, but I'm actually in a good hangover mood because I'm going out alllllll day tomorrow and finishing up in Manchester, I bought some new silver shorts today and I have my outfit sorted. Yay, I can't wait :wacky:
Mood: relaxi taxi

Reason: Today was rather, um.. stressful. >> Had a biology nab in the morning, although I went back later to find out how I did and I got 38/40, so I'm rather pleased with that. XD Then there was a memorial service for a boy in my year who died last year... which was rather sad to say the least, even though I didn't actually know him. >< And right after that I had my English prelim (like a mock exam >>) but I think it went rather well, not getting my hopes up though. ><

And now I'm just sitting relaxing in the knowledge that I don't have any homework for tomorrow, baha! :{D Although saying that, I REALLY should be revising or something for my big exams that are coming up in less than a month. :gasp:
Mood: Good

Reason: I'm oot on the lash tonight I have a new outfit and I'm gunna get ratted :monster: All is fecking good :wacky:

And this time I'm definately going and not changing my mind last minute xD
Mood: A little disappointed
Reason: I studied a lot for the Pre Calculus test. I literally tried to learn in one dayt what we were supposed to study in one month....it didn't work....
We couldn't cover all the topics necessary for the test, and I tried to learn....but I was too tired....
MOOD: Hungry and Bored

Reason: Well, I'm hungry because I ilke to wake up as late as I can before school and choose not to eat. Thank God I only have four classes...

Bored, because we're totally learning an easy Macromedia Flash lesson today, and I have nothing better to do.
Mood: Bleeeeh

Reason: Im hungover and I have to go to the motherships, I just wanna curl up in a ball and like not do anything :gasp:
Mood: Gooood

Reason: Did some tidying when i got up, and then went down to the park on me bike, it's such a nice day =D
Mood: Irritated

Reason: My ex is pecking my head, Im tired and hungover STILL. Im bored but Im too fooked to do anything. And my back is KILLING :gasp:

Oh I'm also cranky because I'm on a fucking diet GRR
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: It's been a semi-productive day - hey, it's better than sitting on my arse all day like I usually do on Sundays. I'm also starting to remember why I loved summer so much. =D
Mood: Spent
Reason: It's really hard to have an epic two-day birthday party and expect to have any energy left to deal with family and home problems. Plus, I forgot to turn in my college enrollment deposit last week and I realized that it's due this Thursday!

Plus, I still have to order my tux and corsage for Prom next week, and time is slipping awaaay...
Mood: Excited
Reason: Grand Theft Auto IV is almost out! I can already imagine running over pedestrians and going on killing sprees and running from the army knowing that I won't get far :wacky: ha! Cant wait!
Mood: Bored

Reason: Nothing to do, no ones online and it's raining outside and I cba with getting wet -__-

I need to find something to do or someone to harraass before I go insane :gasp: