What's your mood?

Mood: Sorry
Reason: Aerith/General Beatrix is angry at me because I haven't used his made sig at all =(
Mood: Lost
Reason: Bah, moving randomly is really throwing off my game. Especially since my dad is always stressed and yelling at me and all that. I don't want to leave the place that I've lived at for 11 years into a smaller house, even though I'll be moving out in a few months. I'm so upset about it, I ruined the sightreading scores for my choirs today, and even though we still got the top score we probably won't move on to Nationals. The girls group did good though, probably because I wasn't there to ruin things.

The judge even wrote on the paper that the basses had problems both times, although the second time was understandable since I was near throwing up so when I came back in I was completely off. The first time my section only missed one note, so that's kind of unfair.

Gawd, I don't know what I'm doing right now. >_<
Mood: Bored
Reason: Got off of work, ate my mcdonalds, and now I'm just sitting here. There is nothing on tv, and nothing good to do online
Mood: Hungry
Reason: I'm still in bed, only came online to get an email, and I haven't had any breakfast yet. :gasp:

Reason: Wine makes me drink it and gets me drunk which leaves me with a monster fucking hangover -__-
Mood: Pessmistic.
Reason: Because tomorrow is Monday, and that means I have to go through another week. Going to University in Tokyo is equivalent to rape, seriously. I get home from school and volleyball practice late, feeling twitchy, sore, and like I'm suffering from PTSD. Nothing like hundreds of people around you constantly, always worrying about being molested on the train, and people staring and whispering. :monster:
Mood - Tired and Bitchy.

Reason - I totally didn't get enough sleep, I have a pounding headache, and I have a shitload of French to do for tomorrow -__-
Mood: Hungry and bored
Reason: There's nothing to do on sundays! Nothing good on tv, and nothing to do outside, though it is a nice day.
Mood: Tired
Reason: It was a busy day and had chemistry physics and math all in one day :gasp:
Mood: panicky
Reason: Exams in less than a month!!!! :gasp: It only just hit me. ><
Mood: Tired
Reason: I need sleeep. Didn't get much last night. -_- And I'm really hungry too. :gasp:
Mood: Head Pecked

Reason: Its 2am, Im tired not well and KH has been pissing me off ALL day -__- I think I shall have to go to bed soon before I fall asleep at my desk >_<
Mood: Exhausted
Reason: I worked all day today, and I am so happy to be home, in my pjs, and I be going to bed soon only to wake up and work a double! Yay me!
Mood: A little stressed, I guess.

Reason: I've got lots of work I need to complete by a certain time, but I keep putting it off. There has to be a cure for procrastination out there. Maybe I'll get rich when I find it...so I can afford to procrastinate.
Mood: Annoyed
Reason: Moving during the school week is more annoying than I thought it would be. However, I get to stay at my own hotel which means that I don't have to clean and do all of that other housekeeping stuff. This might interrupt my birthday, though... :mad2:
Reason: I found out my mom's PC password, now I can log on without her even knowing. Also, probably next month I'm moving out from my family, finally!