What's your mood?

Mood: Excited

Reason: My geography teacher suggested that me and my friend go down to the rehearsals for the play she's in next year, so yay, I'm looking forward to that. XD Even though it's not until September but whatever, something to look forward to. x)

Graduation from college is next Sunday and then it's probably joining the Air Force for me. It's all about the unknown and not knowing exactly wat to expect.
Commenting to above: Congratulations for your Graduation :)

Now back on topic....

Mood: Kind of down...
Reason: Someone special is sick...and just staring at her ill state weakens me somehow....I just can't bear it.
To above: I hope things work out for you...

On Topic

Mood: Ecstatic!
Reason: My new PS2 has arrived, much earlier than I expected! Now I can get all my RPGs back! ^.^ I cant wait!
Mood: Excited
Reason: I have tomorrow off from work, and me and a friend are going out to look at a possible new horse for her! We get to try out 20 horses!
Mood: So so

Reason: This is quite possibly the dullest week I have ever had......granted, it's only Tuesday but fuck me...there's just been naff all to do. The diets going well, although Iv just demolished some cheesy pasta >_<

Going to the gym tomorrow though, so that should work off said pasta. Lets just hope I get my lazy arse outta bed ontime!
Mood: Sucky-ish

Reason: I'm in fucking agony with my mouth and braces. >< It's worse than it was when I actually got them in. I can't eat anything because even if my teeth just touch anything gently it causes great pain... I bit into a biscuit yesterday without thinking about it and they started bleeding D:
Mood: Cranky

Reason: Godawful diet, Im so hungry, Iv been to the gym and my bad back is now killing me, and Im going again tomorrow. Oh joy, oh rapture. The hills are NOT fucking alive with the sound of fucking music today -__-
Mood: Sappy

Reason: Just finished watching Titanic (which I cried like a baby at) and now I'm watching Romeo + Juliet. Total Leo perv-fest incase you didn't guess. :wacky:
Mood: Calmer than before

Reason: Been in a FOUL mood all day, proper wrong side of the bed jobbie - everything has annoyed me today from the cat being an ARSE to my daughter being an absolute MONSTER all day >_<

feeling more relaxed now I've had a bath and my house is tidy (super bad temper of doom makes me go on uber tidy mission) Now Im sat on my armchair lazed out at my pc.....BP is slowly returning to nooooormal
Mood: Fantastic
Reason: I have this weekend off of work so I'm going to party it up with my homegirls! And first horse show of the year on Sunday! I'm going for the blues!
Mood: Annoyed :gasp:

Reason: The frilly bit on my new top is all squint, so I was gonna return it to the shop, but then i spilt chilli on it so I can't. >< Bloody slobbishness *shakes fist*
Mood: Not too bad

Reason: Been a calmer day aside from the cat squalking and Ellie being a pain in the butt, got some pink coffe, Tea and sugar thingies which are pretty nifty.
My mate electrocuted herself trying to fix my lamp which was rather amusing until I rammed the bulb in and blindded myself, making me go falling backwards off the chair :gasp: