What's your mood?

Mood: Pumped

Reason: I got my tux and it is really fierce. The colors are perfect, the material is smooth, and it's just sweet. I also got my date's corsage, and they said that it's the most elegant one they've arranged all year.

I also still have a good chance of being crowned Prom King, though I have a little bit of competition from this dancer who's in choir with me... crossing mah fingers.
Mood: Pissed off

Reason: Damn school are being a bunch of twats and keep stopping me going on the comp, can't really trust anybody atm so now I am just stuck with mistrust while I plot beating people up. :mad:
Mood: Pissed

Reason: I'm making barbeque today and my boyfriend still ain't answering the call! I guess he's always 'busy'. Goddamn boyfriends -__- I'm gonna have a talk with him one of these days...
Mood: Wondering....

Reason: Do cats get morning sickness? She seems to be off her food.....normally she gobbles it down but she doesn't seem to be eating quite as quickly as normal :gasp:

There should be a What's your mood discussion fred :gasp:

I'm also severely hungover

I just had a really big poo aswel, that's gotta help the diet, I should get some scales really, I coulda done a before and after :monster:
Mood: Bored

Reason: It's bright and shiny outside but I can't bring myself to go anywhere! I wanna got to the zoo...
Mood: Panicky

Reason: Exams start on Thursday! :gasp::gasp::gasp: Although I'm surprisingly relaxed about most of them, just dreading Chemistry. -_- Luckily it's my last, not until the 30th of May so I've got time to teach myself the entire course, practically. >_>
Mood: :gasp:

Reason: Got woke up by the plasterer which was like -__- but at least il be getting my walls done soon

Had my breakfast and almost threw up everywhere - I feel like shite :gasp:

Then THE. WORST. THING. EVER. happened....
MY GHD's DON'T WORK ANYMORE :gasp: I cannot live without them, I think I am going to have to cry, I can't afford more and Im going out this weekend :gasp:


That now takes the list of broken things in my house up to: Microwave, Strimmer, Hoover & now my beloved hair straighteners.


Mood: Accomplished and soooooore

Reason: Did a shitload of revising today which is a first, and am now on exam leave. It was so sunny today so I revised in my garden... atleast until it got turned into a football pitch. ¬_¬ And then I just played a combination of footie and trampoline, i.e. bouncing on the trampoline whilst headering footballs that come flying at you, and now I'm covered in bumps and bruises. D: And my fecking dartboard fell on my leg earlier - that thing is HEAVY! I now have a ginormous bump just above my ankle along with a pretty multi-coloured bruise to go with it. :wacky:
Mood: Anxious

Reason: Have lots of long boring work to do.. And they must be completed before 6:00 pm which gives me a mere 5 hours, otherwise, I won't be able to go to a friend's debut. :worried:
Mood: Less panicky...

Reason: My English exam is over and done with now. :gasp: I have an alright feeling about it although I KNOW that one of my essays was absolute pants. Ah well at least it's over. Got maths to worry about next. D:
Mood: Pretty gewd

Reason: Got a new strimmer so I have finally cut my grass, which was scary because Iv never done it before. I fear loud things :gasp: But I was brave and did it :neomon:

Straighteners are still broke though, but me Katie is coming dropping me some off later so I can finally do something with this nest onmy head :gasp:

I successfully cooked on Wednesday, made fajitas and they were actually...NICE I am so impressed with myself. Watched PS I Love you, bawled all the way through and ate tablet :monster:

Eets been a good couple of days :wacky: Even if I DO Still feel sick -__-
Watched PS I Love you, bawled all the way through and ate tablet :monster:

Mood: Not bad/hungry

Reason: I haven't eaten all day apart from a grape in the morning. >_> I was meant to be getting an Indian butttt the place was closed when we went so I think my mum's cooking chilli instead. xD
Heh, i passed all my subjects... Whereas some others didn't quite make it...!
Mood: Hungover and starving

Reason: Got shitfaced last night, woke up this morning thought yeeeeeeah im not hungover. Then I got out of bed and it hit me like a wrecking ball in the gob :gasp:

I am now feeling sorry for myself wishing I had some butter because I want some toast

Had a good night though, although I sent some fucked up text messages. I told someone to piss off :wacky: Luckily he found it amusing :ffs: I reaLLY should be less of a nob when Im wasted. And Im so deleting my sent messages because it's too fucking cringeworthy going through them in the morning :gasp:

My mate seems to think all my primary functions would shut down if I didnt have my phone....I shall prove her wrong one day :gasp:

Anyway, I am now waffling. Curse the hangover of doom.
Mood: Hungry

Reason: I'm going to a waterfall today and I'm gonna make bbq (again) there. Makes me hungry thinking about.
Mood: Bgahhhhh *panic*

Reason: I have my maths exam on Tuesday.. but atleast after that I'll never have to take it again. >_> And geography exam on Thursday which I don't think I'll ever feel prepared for, as it doesn't matter how much I know, I just CAN'T write that much in two hours. O_O I did 16 pages in the prelim but my writing was just a scrawl, and my hand was all bruised by the end of it. x_X I have no idea how I'm going to cope... D: