What's your mood?

Mood: rather hyperactive

Reason: Slightly hungover but in a glorious mood, all is good in the land of Kel today, although Im going 'swimming' soon, lets see how well that goes :wacky:
Mood: Cranky

Reason: I bought a new game today, Neverwinter nights, and I had to download a patch so I could open it, so, off I go, and download it. Plus, my nets are being gay, by being slow.

Now, after I take a few steps in the game, it freezes. So, here I find myself having to download a Nvidia GeForce graphic driver to play the damn game. >:( This game had better be good
Mood: Tired but good

Reason: Been tramampolining and I'm beat. >< Still good though, getting a chinese later and I can't wait, I'm so hungry. D:
Get a parmo if they have them in Scotland (which I doubt) :wacky:

Anyway, I feel great, training was really fun and felt great and relaxing, Boro tortured Pompey today and looking forward to having an extended weekend.

All is well I think :monster:
Mood: Stressed
Reason: Prom is this Saturday and I haven't ordered the corsage yet. At the Big Brother competition at school, I've been nominated for the FIFTH time and I'm up against two other people that are obsessed with the game. I missed choreography practice yesterday for my choir's POPS concert. I have to find a way to the choir banquet tonight since my Suburban broke down, and I'm currently living out in the middle of nowhere. I have to finish reading this 369-page book by Monday, and I'm on page 210. My friend now likes me and wants to know a way to break up with her current boyfriend, my best friend.

Yah stress. >_<
Mood: Meh

Reason: About to start some studying... I have the next two days off but I think I have to go out tomorrow, really cba.. ><
Mood: Guilty
Reason: Went out yesterday and stayed at my mates, came home to discover Id left the cat locked out all day and night and theres no way the little trollop hasn't been laid. I think there might be kittens :gasp:
It had to be the day it's pissed it down all day aswel, I feel meeean >_<
Mood: Hungry and bleh

Reason: Not had any breakfast yet so I'd better get some soon. :gasp: I had the most amazing dream last night which really really made me want to go to the Himalayas and Mount Everest. ><
Mood: Happy

Reason: There's all this drama happening with my best friends with cheating and being skanks and starting rumors and all that crap. However, I just found out at the main office that I made the ballot for Prom King, so I'm on Court! Woooo! That helps me completely ignore all of the drama for now, so I'm happy. :D

But I still need to get my date's corsage... arrrgh, so lazy. >_<
Mood: Good

REason: Its a glorious day, Iv been out spent too much money as usual but well, it has to be done :monster:
Diets still going well (if you don't count the weekend on that - but irts weekend and im allowed to misbehave)

All in all, all is good :neomon:
Mood: knackered but happy

Reason: it was my kid's birthday today, we had a little garden party and a chocolate cake. I had to run around after him a lot, but he seemed really happy so that's ok :)
I have two moods, oddly...
Mood: Lonely
Reason: Today's my day off, nobodys online in FFF. Where are my buddies?! Heloooo!

Mood: Happy
Reason: I'll get my computer fixed today, hopefully...
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Had a really lazy day of doing sod all, I'm supposed to be meeting my mum tomorrow and the stupid woman has done her back in, I was hoping Id get some food out of her :gasp: Il text her in the morning, see if she lives. Ooh that reminds me, if I AM meeting her tomorrow that means Il have to tiday my house.....suddenly not feeling quite so relaxed :gasp:
Mood: Content (says Angela)

Reason: Because I'm not happy, and I'm not sad or mad... (says Angela). But really though, there's nothing up with my life right now except for doing well on the AP Calculus Exam, so hopefully I get a 4! Yeah, that's about it.
Mood: Worried

My appointment to get a visa and another important event (an exam) got overlapped, and I still don't know If I can present earlier or later, :S
Mood: Sleepy

Reason: Not been up to long, Im also not hingover for oe and Im like wooooooah. I think I shall have analcohol free night tonight aswel, seeing as I failed miserably at it last weekend. All is pretty good aside I have house work to do and I REALLY can't be arsed...oh well, once it's done I can relax and just be bored -__-