What's your mood?

Mood: Embarrassed

Reason: I love singing in front of people but I'm just too shy to dance. I just stood there like a street lamp. Bleh...-__-
Mood: Annoyed, angry, depressed.

Reason: I'm going to sound like an angsty, emo, 15-year old kid but I really detest my parents sometimes. :mad:
Mood: Pissed

Reason: Dad was being a jerk as usual. He was cursing at me because he couldn't find his stupid pictures on his own laptop and wanted me to look for it. o_O Dumb-butt. I found them in less than 2 minutes.
Mood: Tired.

Reason: Eye strain due to spending too much time posting here and playing The Impossible Quiz. I need a break from computers. :cookie2:
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Mood: Concerned

Reason: I put my cat to sleep, but now I can't find her in my house. It's not like Bella to disappear...
Mood: Irritated

Reason: Tired. Said tiredness is making me clumsier than usual, the glass lid thing on the cooker landed on my head and i have singed my eyelashes and hair yet again. I am not amused -__-
Mood: happyyyyy

Reason: Had my maths exam today and it went really well. Well, well-ish. And now i never have to do maths again! Or english! Apart from occasionally having to count or read/write but no more bloody vectors or critical essays :gasp:
Mood: pretty god

Reason: Somewhat hingover but had a laugh with me katie last night, danced round like fools i fell over and twisted my ankle and katie proceeded to abuse random men on a dating website hahaha

It was all good

Having hair of the dog tonight, watching a film and filling my face so should be good
Mood: Tired -_-

Reason: Only got a few hours sleep last night. D: On the plus side my geography exam went excellent, bar one or two questions. >> But I got it all finished and I understood the questions fine. =D Ahh I know I shouldn't but I have a good feeling about it. >>
Ugh, although I've been trampolining non-stop for the past couple of weeks and I'm so achey ><
Mood: Sad
Reason: I want to start doing Hip-Hop but I can't find any classes in my local area.
Mood: Annoyed & hungry

Reason: Forgot my microwave was broken and i had to put my microve in the oven and im starving. Its gunna take over an hour to cook. This has also prompted an annoyed text to the ex wanker hahah oh well
Mood: Good

Reason: Just up, watching Fresh Prince (although i missed half of it because my sky+ fucked it up :gasp:) and eating coco pops =D I need to go round to the baker's soon though... and then i should probably do *some* studying for exams. >_>
Mood: Fucked off

Reason: Bloody child is playing me up no end recently. I need a holiday before I crack up -__-
Mood: Fucking Sore.
I have a fucking broken finger, which is pissing me off, as I have to do gardening. So everytime I use my hand it hurts. But what's worse than my finger is my fucking lip which has a huge fucking cut, infact it's more of a gash. Everytime I eat it starts to fucking bleed. It hurts much more now than when it got cut.
Mood: Somewhat calmer

Reason: I don't think I could have possibly been in a fouler mood as I was yesterday/day before. My mate came round at 11 last night so we had a good old bitch and I feel better for it :neomon:

Still fucked off, the back is still in agony and I still appear to have a slight case of the wors PMT ever.....oh well, if I don't end up killing anyone today it will be a good day :monster:
i am extremely bored but i am unsure why i am so bored, im posting well atm so i shouldn't be bored and it might be because i have no music on *turns on music* nope im still bored damnit
Mood: Blaaaaah

reason: I think Im gunna have another one of those days. My internets acting up, my gas and electric both ran out at the same time which means il have to mooch to the shop later...

On the plus side, hamiltons winning so far and raikkonen just fooked up
Mood: Meh

Reason: It's been another one of those boring, unproductive Sundays. Ah well, atleast I have tomorrow off. =D