What's your mood?

Mood: Annoyed

reason: I didnt sleep at all last night so Im feeling really short tempered today, iv been out on the beer which doesnt help things and my stupid ex is texting me.......bah...I tyhink I shall call it a night soon before I decide I want to kill someone
Mood: Not bad... a bit tired

Reason: Didn't sleep at all last night. D: It was too damn hot, although I remember having a weird dream so I must have fallen asleep at some point, it wasn't until about an hour before I had to leave the house though. -__- Then I went shopping with mother dearest which was alright, got a groovy new skirt and french book.
Mood: Restless

Reason: I want to do something but I can't decide what. Im also nakkered because I didn't sleep again last night and I have a serious case of hangover mucnchies although Im not actually hungover....I think I might start a new file on IX but I dunno.....I need to polifiller the holes in ellies bedroom as well but I dunno if i cba...ugh Im feeling so indecisive today, Il see how I feel after Iv filled my face with pizza and chips :gasp:
Mood: F***ing pissed!!

Reason: Another argue with my father; geez men! just a few people on the world can make me feel so mad as him!!!

-3- I need some fresh air and a coke!
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: Im still bloody nakkered, got woke up by workmen TWICE and then the ex's dad rung and said he can't get El til tomorrow afternoon which sucks cock because Im at the dentist tomorrow morning and now Il have to take her with me and I know Im gunna be getting drilled :gasp: I also wanted to make a start on decorating her room today aswel. I coukld have had all the glossing done then done the rest of it o saturday but oh no....... BOLLOCKS TO IT
Mood: mneh

Reason: The damn ikea men STILL haven't brought my sister's bed even though they were meant to bring it yesterday, so the floor of my room is still covered in junk that I keep tripping over :gasp: I want to do something with my friends aswell because I haven't in ages, but i don't have any money. D: Damn overpriced everything *shakes fist* ¬¬
Mood: Lazy and stupid

Reason: My mum and sister went out about an hour ago and I was supposed to clean the house whilst they were out, and so far I've done a grand total of making my bed. >_> Bah, I don't know where to start. ><
Mood: Ok now

Reason: It started off to be a SHITTER of a day. I went to the dentist only to find that Im meant to be ther on Monday. Bollocks. So I mooched to Hyde to meet clare for dinner and made the mistake of checking my bank balance......I was NOT happy with what I saw :stare:

Long story short, Im seriously overdrawn and have cancelled 2 direct debits and changed my phoneline/internet providers :gasp:

Im not going out tonight which is a real bummer but Army Guy is back so he is bringing me cigarettes and alcohol. Not a bad ending to a shit day really
Mood: Not to bad :monster:

Reason: I've managed to survive the weekend by not spending any moey (apart from before but I needed cat litter and face wash so it was a necessity!) I shall get my fucked up finances back on track if it kills me :gasp:

I am, however, feeling slightly hungover but that's nowt new really. I just wish my fucktard ex boyfriend would answer his phone :stare: But that's another story :gasp:
Mood: Borrrrrrrrrred

Reason: Nothing to do, or atleast I don't feel like doing anything. -_- Kind of bored of the film I'm watching too. :gasp: