What's your mood?

Mood: Cheerful

Because i found out that my best friend is not going to move houses any more -__-.

Because if he moved i would had have to take 2 trains and 2 buses just too see him :sad2:
Mood: Sleeeeeepy

reason: I had to get up early for the dentist and it's been a scorcher of a day, I also had a couple of cheeky wines in the pub earlier aswel, just been out in the sun for the most part and Im sunburnt again, but all is good, and I have a new album yay :monster:
Mood:Melancholic and sad

Reason:I'm listening to Aerith's theme and every time I do that I end up like this.
Mood: Very Relaxed
Reason: No idea. Today I was talking with my friends when a spider started crawling on my hand. Everyone screamed, I was like "Chill out ppl! Omg this is the cutest spider I've seen". This was my first time I didn't freak out when seeing a spider :gasp:
I'm like an animal magnet today, a really cute squirrel scratched my leg this morning ^_^
Why:Because Im always happy. :P Plus I found out I'm seeing Iron Man on Friday and I just had ice cream which makes me happy. :D
Mood: Pissed off

Reason: The insomnia has finally gone but now all I seem to be doing is sleeping I wish my sleeping patttern would sort its self out :gasp:
Mood: Tired but happy :monster:

Reason: My living room has finally been replastered, now all I need is my bloody new bathroom and my garden doing. I'm just nakkerd because they had me up t daft oclock this morning and it didn't help that El decided to wake up when I was just goig to beed and she spent the next few hours talking to herself which kept me awake

I'm also slightly less skint that I was so now Im only 200 quid over drawn rather than 400 :wacky: Although Il end up skint again after next weend :gasp:
Mood: Boredish

Reason: It's been a pretty skivy day, missed first four periods for health talks which mostly did nothing but make me squeamish and make me convinced that I've got breast/testicular cancer. :gasp: I can't believe I'm saying it but I wish I had homework or something to do. >_>
Mood- low

Reason- some woman came into nursery today to see Jonny, she kept coming out with stuff like "severe communication disorder" and "special case practice". I hate it when people use crazy jargon like that, especially about my own son. It's becoming more apparent that he has problems, and could be autistic, and I'm just kinda feeling helpless and down about it, even though I really shouldn't because he's still such a happy kid even with his problems.
Mood: Fooooked

REason: Late night last night and Im nakkered, I wanna go home but Im not being picked up til 9.30 -__-
Mood: :confused:

Reason: My neighbour has a cat. Her cat came to my house today and she won't respond to the owner's calls. I wonder what happened?
Mood: All is good in the land of Kel

Reason: Sorted some stuff out with the ex, and I finally beat FFVI. Done all my housework so I'm just monging out debating on what to do next
Mood: Confuuuused

Reason: I have to do heavy research on a global issue that I haven't decided on yet for geography, so you can imagine that's going really well. :monster: