What's your mood?

Mood: Sleepy

Reason: Was way to bored last night and I could't sleep either which was annoying. I had a rather good, if somewhat depressing dream this morning -__- If it's MY dream why can't it go the way I want it too -__-

Anyway, not been up long and Im still feeling rather out of it. I have a tonne of housework to be getting on with but, well, my back hurts so..... :dry:
Mood: Goooood

Reason: It's the first time I've been up before noon in ages. :O And Wallace and Gromit is on which makes it all good. AND it's really sunny outside, so I can go out and revise for my biology exam tomorrow in my garden. :neomon:
I'm tired, i just got out of bed, which feels like a bad move, and i didn't get enough sleep so im really tired and want to go back to bed but i can't because i would end up stying up all night on the RPG when it come back online
Mood: Panic D:

Reason: Bio exam at 1, and I've lost my folder with all of my notes and essays in it. D: Gawddddd. >__< Well, atleast I got an A in the prelim and all that, but still. >_>
Fucked off

Reason: Just tired cranky, have a headache, can't decide wether Im hungry or not....Bah. and the weathers shit. Goddamit, I so woke up on the wrong side of the bed...or settee or whatever

Good luck with your exam jane
Mood: Pissed and annoyed.

Reason: I just now got off from work...but I have to stay for another 3 and a half hours for a training (child abuse). I just wanna go hooome.
Mood: Bored

Reason: Well I am bored because no one is out side or playing so I really got nothing to do but get on computer or watch tv. >.<
Mood - Great!

Reason - I've been shopping, got some new clothes, and American Dad series 3, which is hilarious so far. Also had a family meal, with my cousins, Uncle, Auntie, Grandad, etc, and just had a calm relaxing day ^_^
Mood: Dazed

Reason: Feeling abit out of it today :gasp: I had a weird dream aswel. And I dont feel well. Bah
Mood: Not So Happy Happy Happy.

Reason: Still sick, but forced to go to summer job which is staring at the computer and encoding finances of the company's family for 7 hours.

January 26, 2008
Check No. 89966
Mall of Asia

By the way, there's no salary yet! -__-
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: Waiting for the fooking plasterer that's still not here yet. I also have a headache caused by evil wine of dooooom last night :stare:
Mood: woooohooooo!

Reason: Bloody exams are over! Well, for another year atleast. >_> But still, I have a week off until I start 6th year, and I'm looking forward to summer too. =D

Although my back is killing me though, I need a chiropractor or atleast a willing masseuse. ;_;
Mood: Uncomfortable

Reason: This whole week I ate a lot of sweet things. Instead of Speacial K I bought Coco Pops. I can't seem to stop eating chocolate. I feel I'm going to be really fat -__-
Mood: Pretty Good

Reason: No reason reallly, although I need to go shopping which sucks and I also need to buy paint which will be heavy and finish off stripping that bleedin' bedroom. Bah......Il get my arse dressed soon and Il go out lol
mood: wooo-fucking-hoooo

reason: just finished my mid-year exams, and am about to pre-order Crisis Core, which is comming out on the 20th of June, and I just learned that Doctor Who series 4 is comming out 9 days later after Crisis Core
Mood: unbelievably crappy all of a sudden :gasp:

Reason: Ugh, i feel like throwing myself out a window. i feel awful and dizzy and tired, i only got about two hours of sleep last night if that and i've been up since 5am. I just want to sleep but noooooo, i have to go to my grans in a few minutes where i just sit for hours doing absolutely nothing. and my mum is going through all my stuff yelling at me to tidy up my sister's junk which she dumped everywhere. Ugh, its not my fault that we live in a stupid house with no place to put anything. Maybe all of my clothes wouldnt pile up in a heap IF I HAD SOMEWHERE TO PUT THEM :gasp: sjldhalsus

Gah, I just feel pissed off beyond all reason, somebody shoot me -__-