What's your mood?

mood: Annoyed

reason: Woke up on the wrong side of the bed and Im sick of bastard bills landing on my door mat. I wish I still lived at home :grumpy:
Mood: Normal...although I was pissed and in pain earlier.
Reason: Because it rained and because our leisure centre is shit and has a leak in the roof if flooded both the courts which meant we couldn't play 5 a side today...and to top it off I tried to flick the ball up and because it was slippy and also due to my shoes not having the most amazing grip I slipped and landed on my back. :wacky:
Mood: Happy.

Reason: I discovered a great new band. I love it when that happens.
Mood: Dazed

Reason: Dunno, just woke up feeling really iffy this morning, even a 4 hour kip on the settee earlier didn't sort me out, I should go to bed soon, and I've eaten so much toast today I think I'm gunna turn into a loaf of chuffing bread

cuz i got something wrong with my ear so i have to use the drops and antibiotis and they make me feel like shit just really shit so there ya go lolz
Mood: Excited
Reason: I'm home from work, online, and I'm getting McDonalds for dinner. If that isn't a great day I don't know what is
Mood: Sore, but excited.
Reason: I worked out Monday, just feeling it today, big time, not to mention I slept on the couch which added to the soreness. I'm excited because I found out I'm going to a concert Saturday.
Mood: sad/bored yet happy
Reason: I've been stuck in the house doing nothing, yet i'm talking to a certain someone on msn
Mood: Well chuffed.

Reason: Just acquired Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness by Smashing Pumpkins. 28 whole tracks of awesome, oh yes. :neomon:
Mood: Kind of bored, yet excited?

Reason: Trying to pack clothes etc for taking to Engerland with me, and it's boring. >_> But I'm really looking forward to it, only two more sleeps now. :monster:
Mood: Conteeeent

Reason: Got up early (no, I didn't shit the bed, Katie text me at half 7 -__-) did ALL my housework, I even hoovered andmopped, I hate hoovering. Took the cat to the vets to get her stitches out and I actually got the right day at the right time -is impressed with self- and I have been shooping, so all is good....

It's sad really, that that would put me in a good mood, I am quite obviously getting old, especially as I'm looking forward to a soak in the bath and an early night -_-
Mood: Lonely and frustrated

Reason: No idea on the lonely part, just in one of those weird moods I guess. Frustrated because my mail isn't coming through for some reason ¬¬ (Awaiting on new Blaze Bayley album signed by the band, an Adrian Mole book from Amazon and certain forms)
Mood: So happy.

Reason: I just acquired the demo tape Kurt Cobain recorded in 1985. It's not the whole demo and some tracks aren't the proper recordings but this is like the holy grail of Nirvana rarities.
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: I just banged my head hard, and it hurts like hell, I'm going to have a huge bump now. ><
Mood: Sleepy

Reason: I didn't get a lot of sleep today, and I really wanted to take a nap after work, but I decided to come online instead

reason: Im lost in the desert, I hate deserts, the heat makes me grumpy
Mood: Horny.

Reason: Just acquired Speak For Youself by Imogen Heap. Her music is giving me the major horn and I'm not ashamed to say it. Make of this what you will. :monster: