What's your mood?

Mood: Happy
Reason: I have absolutely no idea why, some of the stuff in the SB earlier was comedy but other than I just generally feel in a happy mood...and it's sunnyyy! ^_^
Mood: Pissed off

reason: Cunting life and it's bastard shit AGAIN. It can suck my cock. And I can smell someting fuckinmg burning and I don't know where it's coming from seeing as I inspected the oven and it's ot there, it's probably my hoover, it's on it's last legs anyway :stare:

fuck sake
Mood: really crappy

Reason: I have more money problems, I think I might have to get another job in order to pay for things
Mood: Sad :-(

Because the internet on my brothers computer is all fucked and now i have to share my laptop with him because he had a bitch fit.

My internet is working (the wireless) and his isn't.

FUCK >=|
Mood: Abit miffed

reason: Yesterday was fucking shit, although I got my garden done which was good but fuck me, was I in a foul mood all day :gasp: I think Im just still abit pissed off from that. Men (well a certain aarsehole) are wankers
Lulz! Cap lock much? :wacky:

Mood: Well happy! =D
Reason: Mits told me I'd be able to see the colour codes on people's msn if I updated to the latest version...so I did and it no long has [c=12]*name*[c] it shows colourrrrr! <333

Where do i find it?? :gasp:

Mood: Shitty

Reason: Shitty day. :dry:
Where do i find it?? :gasp:
Have the latest msn version, although I do and it still didn't work. So download this and then all the codes and shit should be how they're supposed to be. :monster:

Mood: Okay
Reason: I felt a bit sick this morning so I haven't done anything all day...I'm gradually getting better though. ^_^
Mood: Peaceful

Reason: It's a nice cool rainy day, and I'm just inside with my dogs watching tv and enjoying a nice time online with nothing really to worry about right now.
Mood: Ill/excited

Reason: Excited for tomorrow ofcourse, although I feel really sick. I don't want to eat anything incase I throw up, I was sick this morning and generally feel really crap. :gasp:
Mood: Nakkerd

Reason: Fucking insomnia strikes again, so I had about 2/3 hours kip which sucked because I had to get up early, I'm also a lil anxious, got the dude coming to have a look at some stuff I need doing with my house/garden and I just know it's gunna end up in a row -__-

I just want to go to bed :gasp:

On a happy note (for a fucking change <_<) My James tickets have arrived and I can't WAAAAAIT for my birthday :monster:
I WAS excited and yet calm this morning, over tomorrow's events. However, a massive shock to the system with the overall price it'll be before I get to drive, combined with the frustration of my know-it-all uncle and the Government's ridiculous plans for illegal downloaders, have made be reaaaaaaaaaally pissed off. :gasp:
Mood: Crappy

Reason: Ugh, I just feel blaghhh and want to go to bed but nooo, i'm not tired at all despite getting NO sleep last night because of the heat, and it's too bright to sleep anyway. ><
Mood: Sad

Reason: My friends are leaving me for a couple of weeks and I'm going to be lost without them!
Mood: Grumpy
Reason: I'm tired, as always, and I'm about to fall asleep, but I refuse to go to sleep cause I still have to get used to my usual routine. And that's cause I'm just back from a trip
Mood: Good?

Reason: Had an early night, I well conked out as soon as my head hit the pillow, woke up at like 2 am wide awaike but oddly enough i managed to fall right back asleep, then again at about 10 to 7, but there was no way i was getting up while there was still a 6 in the time >_>

So I had a rather nice lie in, the sun is shining Im just about to have a bath...all is good for once :monster: