What's your mood?

Mood: Indecicive, or however the hell you spell ut

Reason: Got invited to go to Oldham......said no, then my mate invited me to Oldham aswel said she was going for a few hours before going to Manchester on a works night out.....So, I could go out for a few hours, stay out or not go out at all. I dunno what to do -__-

I really can't be fucked, but then I dont wanna be rattling around my house when Im sprogless til Tuesday.......fuck SAKE
Mood: Excited

Reason: I'm actually doing something fun tonight and I'm hanging out with really cool people who know how to treat a friend
Mood: Atm really lonely and annoyed.

Reason: For some reason this has felt like one of the most loneliest day ever for me. x(
And feels like I'm losing all of my friends though I guess know I'm not. Just feels so.
Hm. Just one bad day. And I'm freezing.
Mood: Normal
Reason: Well, I just got back from holiday and it was epic whilst I was there so I really do want to go back yet I missed certain people over here so I wanted to come back as well...so I guess it balances out really. :wacky:
Mood: Scared. :ohshit:

Reason: Getting my exam results tomorrow, I really don't want to know. >< I think I could probably find out what I got online today, but I'll just wait til I get the envelope tomorrow morning. -__-
Mood: Worried, but happy

Reason: I had a lot of bad stuff go down this weekend, but it's starting to blow over and things seem to be going in my favor
Mood: Strangely subdued
Reason: Well, my PC shagged itself and all my files are on it and I need to rescue them somehow. Usually I'd be really angry/depressed but I'm... just not which is odd, considering my years of writing/files collected are on there.
Mood: Bored
Reason: I'm not sure if 5 a side is on today and if it isn't my day is completely made into nothing to do and I can't find out if it's on at the moment because Liam is somewhere (I have no idea where) and hasn't been online for the past 3 days. -__-
Mood: Somewhere between good and annoyed

Reason: Had a really good weekend aside from having a huge row with my mate on Sunday (we are still not talking) she is totally blaming me for something that is NOT my fault, maybe it is SLIGHTLY but fuck me, it's not all my fault >_>

Anyway, it's been a really good weekend other than that, piss up on Saturday, zoo yesterday and just slobbing out and eating inbetween
Mood: Chatty and tired

Reason: I'm always chatty :monster: I was also up most of last night drawing :gasp:
Mood: Stressed out

Reason: I have a lot of shit going on right now and they all seem to just get worse and worse,and when one problem goes away, a new one comes up.
Mood: Depressed

Reason: There's a lot on my mind and I'm trying to make a really tough decision, that could hurt someone, but make someone else happy. Either way, one person will be hurt and another will happy. It's a tough decision. :(
Mood: Tired/abit miffed

Reason: Late night/getting forced out of bed early. Found out the stupid cat had bastard fleas and had to pay almost 20quid for fronline for the little twat and I desperately need a hoover seeing as mine went in the bin. It never rains but it fucking pours
Mood: Bored agaaain D:
Reason: Even though it's a nice are in Redcar if you have no money it's seems like there is shit all to do...plus it's raining which doesn't help matters.
Mood: Pretty good

Reason: Im up dressed and actually look half decent, even my hair seems to be behaving (kinda) My house is tidy, I just need to hoover and Im off out to look at fish tanks, not getting one just yet but I will do soon :monster: