What's your mood?

Mood: Lazy

Reason: Only just got up >_> Mainly because I couldn't sleep at all last night. And my stupid phone isn't working which is kind of annoying. :gasp:
Mood: Crabby and Moody

Reason: Not feeling well AGAIN and am being forced to be out at my gparents all the rest of the day as soon as my sister gets up. Thus. No compy access and BOREDOM to be out in teh middle of nowhere.
Mood: Happy :D
Reason: No reason really, I just generally felt happy this morning for no reason xD, although I'm learning to play the guitar a bit better so that's always a good things =]
Mood: Suicidal (not really, but I'm not looking forward to the coming hours)

Reason: I gotta sit through hours of accounting class just to go directly from school to work. After that, I get to head back to school for a late class. Gotta love it.

Snap. Gotta leave now, I guess.
Mood: Shocked

Why: because my summer vacations starts tomorrow (4 real), the sad thing is that i´ll have to leave behind all this friendship and great people in this forum for 3 weeks. Unless of course if in that place have some spots of wireless connection... Then I´ll be a lil bit less sad...
Mood: Disappointed

Reason: Some of my friends are just making very bad choices in their lives which could result them in losing me as a friend
Mood: Crappy
Reason: I have my period and im the only 1 awake in my house... i feel lonely 2.
Mood: Determined

Reason: Om gunna beat FFV this weekend if it kills me, I really wanna crack on with something else now, I just need to decide whether I wanna play VII, IX or XII......
Mood: Knackered
Reason: I've been playing football for most of the day...and I taught my 8yr old brother how to do stepovers, although when I did them to him he fell flat on his arse xD
I also learnt how to knuckle a ball! :gasp:
Mood: Down

Reason: When you know you can't make things better and you're stuck with things they way they are, just brings you down.
Mood: Discouraged and "Evil"
Reason: When someone plays with your feelings then that does really brings you down. Now sometimes I find it hard to breath and, like good o'l Rocky Balboa would say, there's a caged beast in the basement demanding to be unleashed.
Just read the post above....I guess it is back to old days then

Mood: Angry
Reason: I read the posts above me...I'll get ya whores:mad2:
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: I think I give up with FFV, also I was feeling annoyed about summin else that I can't remember but Im sure it'l come back to me >_> It's fucking raining again aswel and I need to go to the shop, but Im not goingout in that crap <_<
Mood: Boreddd

Reason: I have nothing to dooo. I felt like drawing but then couldn't decide what to draw. I might play the ps2 or watch tv or something actually, because my brother is staying at his friend's so isn't hogging my tv for once. :stare: