What's your mood?

Mood: Rockin'
Reason: I don't care if it's a mood or not but I have Paramore bashing out of the speakers at full volume and I feel well happy when listening to them yesss! :D
Mood: Relaaaaxed

reason: Been up and out for ages, got a load of food in and thebiggest bottle of wine you have ever seen from Asda. Making a Sunday dinner later and just had an epic chesse and ham salad baguetter effort so Im just mongedout watching the Simpsons, even El's being quiet for once :monster:

All is gewd
Mood: Not bad

Reason: Slept in yet again, but all is well for I don't feel like a lazy bum for once and think I might do some homework or drawing. Something productive atleast, because there's only 1 week left in the holidays and I haven't done much at all. ><
Mood: Hung the fuck over

reason: I had WAY Too much wine last night, I ended up absolutely ratted, woke up on the settee this morning when the child of doom turned the tv on and it was WELL LOUD :gasp: I just groaned and slunk off to bed, I really should have been responsible because in that short time I left herunattended she poured AL of the washing up liquid everywhere, and I only bought it yesterday. The sink is still over flowing with stubborn bubbles that are refusing to go away, it was all over my floor, the sink and on all the plates. Cleaning all that up with a hangover was evil

I also had the headache of doom which has gone now thanks to the anadin extra. Im feeling so delicate now though. Cheap 1.5litre bottles of wine from Asda are most definate;y NOT the way forward

Although it's abit stupid that I can get absolutely wankered of less than 7 quid, yet had I goe out and bought all the wine and soda I drunk last night it prolly would have cost me about 40quid. And people have the cheek to say nights out on the ale are CHEAP. My hairy left testicle they are :stare:

I am SO never drinking again



At least not cheap wine anyway.......I said tht last time......why can't I learn my lesson like the cat. She won't go near baileys anymore -_-

Reason:I guess mostly for the first time in the last 5 years i am truly alone, and it just really sucks.(just broke up with gf)
Mood: Blah
Reason: I walked to town expecting to buy 'Riot - Paramore', HOWEVER, I forgot that the bastards shut down the ONLY music store in Redcar...which is shit since it's more or less known for its shopping facilites, and it wasn't in any other store. =(

So when I got back home I ordered it via Play.com :neomon:
Mood: Bored, tired and lonely yet content
Reason: I have a free house because parentals are away for the week, however all my close friends are off on holiday aswell. And I don't have money for food until tomorrow when my cheque clears :wacky:
Mood: Better than I have been

Reason: I love my adopted family, they treat me better than my real family do, and way better than my friends do. I'm glad to have them in my life
Mood: Bored
Reason: Even though it's only 10:11am I have nothing to do or nothing planned at all for today, and I don't think Liam has organized either so today is going to be well shit. =(
Mood - Great!

Reason - Although I pulled an all-nighter, I still don't feel tired. And I just downloaded over 100 ABBA songs. So I'm sorted for music =D And I have plans for the rest of the week which kick ass =D Life is good, for once.
Mood: Pissed off

Reason: Just am :gasp: Everything is fuckiiiiing me off -__-
Mood: Tired

Reason: I worked a 12 hour shift today, and tomorrow I have to work a 7 hour shift, and then I might have to work another 12 hour shift on Friday, I'm just so tired!
Mood: Sleepy

Reason: Too many late nights and early mornings and my mate STILL isn't talking to me, I give up -__-
Mood: Excited

Reason: For once I had a good day today, which might not last, but it might turn out to be a great weekend if things just stay the way they are now.
Mood: Hungry

Reason: I thought mum and dad would bring back food. -__- So I never cooked any thing. But they didn't and I don't know what to cook. >.<
Mood: Abit dazed

reason: Got woke up early, sent Ellie back to bedbecause it was not much past 5am >_> Then got wokeup at9 ish by her dad comiong to pick her up. Went back to bed again and then got woke up by the dude coming to fix my back door, so I just gave up and stayed up -__- Im also starving but Im waiting for food so Imnothaving anything to eat til after my bath, which Ineedto jump in because it's been sat ready for ages but I cba moving. Think it's gunna be one of those days :gasp:
Mood: Tired
Reason: I seriously wish my dad didn't have to go to work early because it requires me to get up at 7am to be dropped off at the mothers...I still sprawl out on the sofa for a good 3/4 hours when I get there, but still, I always feel knackered. -__-
Mood - Confused / Unsure.

On the one hand I had a great few weeks... On the other my head is killing me, and my freind who can't be helped is just as bad as he was when I left him.