What's your mood?

Mood: Great

Reason: I had a great day today, it was so nice to be back at school to see everyone, and I was in a sunny mood all day despite the contradicting weather. <_< Tomorrow will probably be a skive because there's a strike so 1st-4th years have the day off, but seniors still have to go in for some stupid reason. Ah well, I just had six weeks off so I can't really complain. :monster:
Mood: Somewhere inbetween miffed and ok

Reason: Not had Ellie today so I had like a 4 hour nap in the afternoon but also discovered that Tiscali have still been charging me, but it's getting resolved so thats not to bad >_>
Mood: Geeky/Stupid
Reason: Bored, but not bored enough that my imagination has failed me yet! :nerd:
Mood: Miffed
Reason: I went to the dentists today, just for a regular check up and the stupid assistant gave him the wrong folder thing that said I needed a filling...only it wasn't my folder thing (whatever the hell they are called :wacky:) and then he realized after he had numbed me that it wasn't me that needed a filling...brilliant. -__-

And only 1 days 9 hours and 14 minutes until we get our GCSE results back...shitting itttttt! :sad2:
Mood : Tired

Reason : I've spent the whole day freaking out over GCSE results, I really have. It's not even 2am and I'm already exhausted, which is very strange for me. I'll just be happy when I get the bloody things -__-
Mood: grrr

Reason: I need to go shopping but I cba, I can't get the scanner part of my printer to wprk which is annoying me because I need to get a copy of a letter I recieved and now Ima gunna have to send the letter >_>

Bah, I'l just have to do it -__-
Mood: Sneezy.

Reason: Went to school today to realise that there was really no point in being there because of the strike, so went to the cinema with some friends. We ended up having to walk, a LOT, whilst it was chucking it down. :gasp: The film was alright although the cinema was absolutely packed, we never really thought that because there was a strike everyone would go to the cinema. <_< And then we had to stand out in more rain whilst we walked for ages to get to a bus-stop, and then wait ages for the bus. And I didn't have a jacket on so I've caught a cold, hence why I am sneezy. -__-
Mood: Irritated
Reason: Well, I was in a good mood until my friend decided to take his stress out on me. Now I'm just tired of dealing with it. I don't want to anymore. I certainly don't have to, and Lord knows I won't if I have any say in the matter. I can be there as a friend for him to vent, but if I'm just going to be treated like **** well there's no point in me trying to help at all.

Boys are so emotional. :3
Boys are so emotional. :3
Nothing like a good cry. :wacky:

Mood: Relieved :gasp:
Reason: Bar German/DT (ie, the two shittest subjects going) all GCSEs were comfortably passed with the nifty little AA in English, even though I didn't revise for it. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing! :D:D:D:D
Mood: Outraged.

Reason: Ex boyfriend's (the last wuun I had) girlfriend texted me to apologize and say that she would still see him.

Slut ought to burn in hell.
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: If I get one more bill Im going to kill someone, especially when it's a stupid bill that I know Idon't owe, Im sending the letter back with a nasty reply >_>
Mood: Goofy

Reason: I'm off of work already and I'm in a good mood and I just want to goof around. I feel like being dorky and just acting like a goofball since I'm in a good mood. I'm hoping it will put everyone around me in a good mood too.
Mood - Elated!

Reason - I got the results I wanted / need ^^ All that hard work, and the long long essays have paid off! And, after 5 years of hell, I passed French! w00t!
Mood: Crappy

Reason: Money woes along with the feeling that world is going to crash down around me sooner of later. Life just sucks sometimes.
Mood: Content.

Reason: It's going to be a good weekend for me. :monster:

I'm staying at my cousin's on Saturday night then we have a party Sunday evening. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures to show you all on Monday. Though, don't expect them too early, I'll probably be fookin' shattered. :wacky:
Mood: Grumpy

Reason: I have nothing to do this weekend and I just woke up from a great nap and I was having a good dream. I really want to go back napping but it's getting too late.
Mood: Preety good, although was really rather bored before

Reason: Went and harrassed my mum for abit earlier and she agreed to have Ellie til Monday, so Im gunna heave an epic lie in tomorrow (woohoo) Then Im off out for food tomorrow and probably hitting the pubs/bars/clubs. Not arsed where so long as Im out and alcofrol is involved

Im so looking forward to getting into bed =]
Mood: Not bad.

Reason: Was meant to go to Edinburgh today with the parental unit which I was looking forward to (I LOVE Ikea) but my mum changed her mind and decided that she didn't want a new bed. D: Although I'm thankful now that she changed her mind because I feel really ill, went shopping for shoes earlier and it was absolute agony. I just sat and cried in the shoe shop because I was in so much pain, so my mum took me home and I put my pyjamas on and watched Only Fools and Horses with my cat. I feel better for now though so it's all good.