What's your mood?

Mood: Disappointing, annoyed, stressed
Reason: For the last 4 hours, I have been trying to learn how to apply scroll boxes to a layout after sliced but all in vain, I couldn't figure it out. Even after reading and watching hella tutorials -.-;;

Mood: Annoyed -__-

Reason: Men are stupid -__-

Im gunna have some wine tonight anyway, that should perk me up a litte
Mood: Slightly depressed/discouraged

Reason: I don't really want to go into too much detail, but I just feel really lonely right now. Most of my friends are at work or off with other engagements, and I'm also stressed over something I'm having to wait for. My father is being annoying again as well, but that isn't anything new.
Mood: Still a bit annoyed but otherwise ok

Reason: Men are still stupid but meh, what can you do >_> Im just gunna mong out, eat food and play some FFIX
Mood: Great!

Reason: I have a date for tomorrow. He's so nice, doesn't seem like a jerk or shallow at all. He's really really hot so that's a big plus so I'm all excited! He's gotta be the hottest guy I've ever dated.
Mood: Potentially annoyed

Reason: Im sure Im not gunna get anything done today even though I really wanna crack on with that painting. Today didn't start off that well as it is. Bloody kids, who'd have 'em :stare:
mood: I'd just say, awful

reason: feeling all the time just lonelier and lonelier, probably losing friends, stressed because of school, a lot. actually I can't find anything good atm. I'm almost shouting at everyone : P
mood:sad and alone
reason:my mom tried to make me marry some guy i known for a week and i ran out on the wedding like cinderella at her ball
mood: I'd just say, awful

reason: feeling all the time just lonelier and lonelier, probably losing friends, stressed because of school, a lot. actually I can't find anything good atm. I'm almost shouting at everyone : P

I hope you get better =]

My Mood: Amused

Reason: Them guys at the shoutbox are retardedly funny :wacky:
Mood: Hungover
Reason: Well...alcohol. :wacky:, it was a really good party last night, albeit it wasn't a drinking one even though people snuck vodka in...pure vodka tastes shite tbqh so I just waited 'til I got home then just got smashed and now I'm suffering the consequences. =(
Mood: Exhausted
Reason: I've had a busy day already at the gym, playing Tennis and doing a rehearsal for a show and now I have to walk 3 kilometers to my friends house :ffs:
Mood: Sleepy

Reason: Went to bed at 4am, stupid FFIX D: And getting up when you really dun wanna sucks arse big time, still, I almost have all my washing done so I don't have to worry about that...I just need to put it all away. I reallllly hate that part. It stinks -__-
Mood: Gewd

Reason: Aside from that mountain of clothes I STILL need to put away, all is good coz my bargainous pink GHD's arrived this morning woohoo. Although me and Army Guy had words because we couldn't get his PS3 online haha

We got there in the end :wacky:

Internet on my TV looks weird, but pretty snazzy :monster:
Mood: Pained >.>
Reason: Somehow I've manage to strain or pull my hamstring by pretty much doing nothing overexerting albeit it seems to hurt less now so hopefully it's just a strain...so I'll give a few days and if it is still hurting I'll go to the doctors and the possibility of a physiotherapist as well ;_;