What's your mood?

Mood: Exciteeeed

Reason: off out with the old work chums tonight, started getting ready just waiting for the nest to dry so I can straighten it with my shiny new pink GHD's

It's gunna get messy tonight I can smell it

Mood: Tired

REason: Only just recovered from Saturday night, which was epic. I got stupidly wankered....like omg, I met Army Guy at about 3:30am and he like like offs, we're going home your fucked. And I was insisting I was fine....as you do :wacky:

I went arse over tit on the dance florr in rififi aswel, I swear some fucker tripped me up, I have the best bruise ever on my knee and a few little ones on my other, if I hadn't been so pissed it would have well hurt.

I spilled a couple of my drinks aswel like first time EVAR, I never waste alcohol xD

It was sooo much fun haha
Mood: Dazed
Reason: College has killed me... I just feel battered...

(Ahh Bambi, I love people like you, it's not fun unless everybody makes a twat out of themselves, eh? I do it all the time...)
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Mood: Hurt

Reason: I hurt my back lifting heavy stuff. I didn't have to lift it, but I wanted to look strong and not like a wimp in front of everyone, and now I hurt my back!
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: Fucked off. That stupid colider thing could suck us all up and I wouldn't give a fuck. GRR

Mood: LOL

Reason: I can't wait to see my friends' faces tommorow. They all thought we were gonna die today because of the Big Bang experimant.
So dumb...
Mood: Nakkerd

Reason: Couldn't sodding sleep last night and I got up well early this morning, I just wanna go to sleeeeeeep D:

Been out for some food and that's about it. Forgot to buy bastard bin liners though. Grrr

At least I remembered cat food though, Velcro has been pecking my head -_-
I've been in a crazy lazy mood lately. I've been staying up all night and junk with friends, and thenjust sleeping in 'til noon everday then heading to work, and repeating all over again.
Mood: Busy

Reason: 2 people at work got fired, and I'm the only one that can cover them so I've been covering my work, and both of theirs until we hire new people!
Mood: Tired.

Reason: It's almost 3am in the friggin morning take a guess why im tired :P Im actually quite awake I just cant be arsed to go to sleep
Mood - Tired / Confused but otherwise great.

Reason - My sleep cycle is being thrown way out of whack. I've already had 7 hours of sleep today, and it's now 3am. I have double law in the morning, and it's the most boring lesson alive. The teacher is sucking out our souls with her constant monotone babble.

And, confused because I have no idea what's going on between my girlfriend and I. One second she hates me and won't talk the next she's all like my BFF. I reckon I should dump her, but we were really good friends, and I don't want to lose that. And, we've applied for a job together, so if we both get in, and we're not speaking, it would just be awkward =/

Everything else is super though :monster:

Reason: SO friggin close to 1000 posts wooot!