What's your mood?

Mood: Obsessive?

I've been listening to the Evangelion theme, Cruel angel thesis, on a loop, like 50 times through. o_O It's controlling me. <_<
Mood: Pissed off to the highest of standards

Reason: To do with getting 100% blame for something that is not 100% your fault and to add insult to injusry you find out that some parts of the story have been fabricated, making you look like a complete twat, which, tbh, is utter fucking bullshit

Excuse me while I go break something. I'm well fucked off, and too think in the grand scale of things the origins of said falling out were quite fucking petty

Mood: Extremely sad.

Reason: I am extremely disappointed. I have planned out my life already but none of it is going the way it should've been. I'm more stressed and I'm thinner.

I just want to get back on track. I am not happy with my course and its demands. I am not happy with my boyfriend. I have not been able to sleep properly for the last two months.
Mood: Tired and bleh.

Reason: Really did not feel well at all when I was out earlier, which was a shame because I had fun shopping with my mum. The whole time though I felt dizzy and just wanted to lie down, and it hurts whenever I breathe. Even when I got out of the stuffy shopping centre to get some fresh air, it just made me feel worse and made my air passages hurt even more making it awkward to breathe. I feel a bit better now though since getting home and just resting. Also I had chilli for tea and I can never be upset with chilli in my tummy. I feel like having a bath and an early night, although aslong as my sister is here I won't be getting an early night. -_-
Mood: Chilled

Reason: It's Sunday and Im just slobbing around doing naff all, not been up long enough to get bored yet so atm, all is good haha
Mood: Rather displeased

Reason: I have a cold sore on my lip and I have school tomorrow, and it won't go away :gasp:

Also, I was downloading anime off youtube, and then when I'm not done, they go and take it off
Mood: Alright

Reason: It's a Sunday and by law I SHOULD be depressed/miserable, but I'm actually having an okay day for once. I haven't done much mind you, but I think I needed a relaxing day anyway because I keep getting headaches and feeling ill. ><
Mood: Meh.

I'm happy to be alive! But those damn assignments and exams are cramping my style.
Mood: Annoyedddddd :gasp:

I really can't be bothered with anybody today, I don't want to have to talk to anyone. -_- But nooo, I must smile and appear pleasant because it annoys others when I'm moody. -__- jkfdhasf it PAINS ME to smile. >< How rich, that I annoy them because they make me want to kill myself. >< Ugh, I'm just counting down the days until I finally get to move out.

On the plus side I go back to school tomorrow. Part of me can't wait but on the other hand I haven't done any of my homework, apart from a bit of French revision. >_>
Mood: Annnnnooyyyyyyed

Last night I got was in pain all over and couldn't sleep much, then i get up and get breakfast... Which then makes me feel ill then mum starts screaming at me for wasting food and now I'm trying to get rid of this bloody headache. -__-
Annadin extra mate :monster:

Mood: Twitchy

Reason: House needs tidying and it's really beginning to bug me, especially as I need to hoover but I still don't have one >_> I'l have to get one this week because it's doing my shed in. Finally completed FFV though which was an amazing feat(Sp?) seeing as I almost quit the peice of shit about 500 times

Anyway, harmony will be restored to the household once Ive tidied up, having a nice soak in the bath first though >_>

Oh Ive lost abit of weight aswel, woohoo :monster:

Must continue to not eat loads of crap <_<
Mood: Mildly contented.

Reason: I'm finding it very hard to find work but not having bugger all to do isn't exactly a curse, depending on how you look at it. I get more time to sort stuff out here, anyway. :D

I'd just like to piss off down the pub for a few hours a week and buy myself some new clothes. D;
Mood: Tired and Hungry

Reason: I just got out of work so that explains the tired. And I seriously need to do some grocery shopping, because I am in need of some serious good food right now.
Mood: Joyful

Reason: I'm having another good day where I actually have some old friends back, and I'm getting ready to pig out on yummy food so that always makes me happy
Mood - Good, but filled with worry.

Reason - Today's been a pretty good day, really laid back, I've been left alone and just been able to chill with music =D

But, I'm worried since we get our results on Thursday D=
Mood: Blagh D:
Reason: I woke up with a bitch of a migraine but I managed to cope with the pain for a few hours until it went, apart from that event I've done nothing apart from taking someone else dog out for a walk...funnily enough just as I put her dog on the lead it decided to heavily piss it down. Grrrrrrrrrreat!
Mood: Fantastic

Reason: I had another great day, met with some great friends, rode my horse, got some new tunes, and it was sunny and warm all day.