Where are you?

Im just at the demon wall thing and i gave up for the night after it squished me. Im going to give it some action again later though :D

levels all range at around 12/13. Perhaps i should have levelled up more first but it seems to take forever :(
I just defeated Vossler. He started off piss easy and then he started going berserk and he went from easy to hard. I was like, BITCH.
Got my first Esper, Belias, he wasn't too hard; managed to killed about 2 of my party members (who I revived soon after anyway).
On my fist encounter with the Demon Wall I died twice because I tried to defeat him before he reached the end of the corridor (the first time he springs to life) but I couldn't (nearly did the second time). So I chose to run and then I defeated him when I went through the door instead. I'm loving this game so much!!

the judges are soo kl...

i passed the bit today where d... something judge gets killed by ..basch's brother(wotevr his name is) and vanye becomes the leader...
Im just at the demon wall thing and i gave up for the night after it squished me. Im going to give it some action again later though :D

levels all range at around 12/13. Perhaps i should have levelled up more first but it seems to take forever :(

yeah I suggest at least 15+ and have 2 quickenings for the 2nd wall anyways
im now level 30 all round!!! :P vaan is level 36...

the hardest boss for me soo far is ... boss 9
Elder wyrm

took the blooddy ****

p.s i beat tiamat with a level 18 party!!!! :) took about 25mins...:blink:

worse area so far .. is that temple after the mountain.. p.s must level up!!!
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i beat the game in Jan, my levels ranged from 50-55

I'm luck i survived the final boss
I'm in Dreadnought Leviathan now trying to get at Judge Ghis without getting pwned by Imperial Soldiers >_<

For the Record: I don't play this game much...I'm not a big fan of it already.
Ohhhh so sorry to hear. Well I know this is aimed at Euro gamers, but I'm feeling a bit left out of teh convo here so I'm going to reply too. :)

I beat the game back in like the second week of December; so addicting late in the game. Right now I'm working on Yiazmat then Zodiark and Omega.
I'm in Dreadnought Leviathan now trying to get at Judge Ghis without getting pwned by Imperial Soldiers >_<

For the Record: I don't play this game much...I'm not a big fan of it already.

Give it some time. You'll like it more trust me.
Just beat Ghis the first time around. I was pretty impressed when I actually won, considering the amount of complaints I read about his difficulty. That, and the fact I was ranging levels 10-11 didn't exactly help my cause. XD
The soldiers at the start did enough for Ghis to screw over a couple of my party members a few times. That combo he has though... heck, destructive stuff. Aero was a bitch, too.
So I escaped and am now looking for some tomb or other. The sand-folk around there are bitches... took a while to get past 'em all, only to be partially annihilated by some fireball. Gah.

On an unrelated note, I was so disappointed at how Ghis actually looked without his helmet. So very very disappointed. I won't spoil anything though. :p
Ghis looks awesome >.> - You want scary? Disappointing? Just you WAIT until you see Bergan ;D

Ohoho - I think the fireball you are referring to may be the Pineapple?
Judge Rulia said:
Ghis looks awesome
He rly rly doesn't. But on saying that, I hope he gets more screen time without his helmet. I need more of a reference. His outfit on the whole is the best so far though.

Judge Rulia said:
Just you WAIT until you see Bergan ;D
Mmm, I've heard a bit about this Judge being of the 'better' few. I, uh, look forward to the encounter. (I probably won't, but eh, it's exciting anyway)

Judge Rulia said:
Ohoho - I think the fireball you are referring to may be the Pineapple?
Uh, no. It's an actual fireball which floats around, casts Shell and Protect on itself, and uses Firaga on your entire party. It's situated (so far) only on those abandoned oil-works. You know, with those strange little tomato monsters and the sandy-folk.
I didn't like the look of Guis at all when he removed his helmet. He looks like an old phogey and just shattered the whole infamous, powerful, image for me. Sure, they don't have to look a certain way, but I just didn't like the look of him.

I've just done Fran's village and am now going to the mines.
lol I beat the judge in the leviathan at average party lv 35 XD , I guess I'd overdid it :x

ghis is just an ugly horrible old man 8)
-.- Alright, enough of the Ghis hating please. He isn't an old man - is 41 an old age hm? *is like rly angry*

Jeesus, level 35 already?! On the Leviathan?! I was like..20 levels below you dude. You'll be well sorted for the Zertinan Caverns in the Ozmone Plains.
Just beat Garuda oustide The tomb of king raithwell. Took some time and levelling up though. Good job Vossler was there to attack the Garuda while I had Basch continuosly running round a wall :|
most of you guys are at the leveithian thats an easy stage

to defeat ghis you have to be around 12+ but you can defeat him at 10

as soon as the battle starts blind ghis as his attacks take about 50 and if you blind him they will miss and after that get rid off the other imperial guards and then finish ghis

as for the tomb of raithwall you have to be around 17-20 i would say that you defeat the first demon wall as then you can get the demonbane and others are easy to defeat for demon wall you will need quickenings and after that give you full attack on him remmember to increase your battle speed as it will really help since you will attack faster but the demon wall will move at the same speed
Uh, no. It's an actual fireball which floats around, casts Shell and Protect on itself, and uses Firaga on your entire party. It's situated (so far) only on those abandoned oil-works. You know, with those strange little tomato monsters and the sandy-folk.
Those fire balls? They're fire elementals. The look quite disappointing ... but I can assure you, they don't exactly get easier O_O

I actually found both Ghis AND Bergan relatively easy. I just Esper'd their asses and followed that up with a quickening chain =] I actually have found a loop-hole for quickening chains, but I'll post it later.

Me? I think I'm the furthest, in all of Britain! :P I'm now in the Sochen Cave, and I've just beaten those little Mandragora's - one of THE most hysterical battles I've ever fought. To quote ole Speedy:

Rogue Tomato = The LOL.
Multiply him by 5, turn him into Onions and Cabbages and you've got yourself some Lentil Soup!

For the record ...
Vaan = 16.
Balthier = 13.
Fran = 34.
Basch = 36.
Ashe = 35.
Penelo = 13.
