Where are you?

Im about to go onto Mount bur-Omisace, i didnt battle the elder Wrym because i have a very unbalanced party:

Vaan - 8 (Hate him)
Balthier - 11 (Had to choose between him and fran)
Fran - 24
Basch - 24
Ashe - 24
Penelo - 11 - but useful for quickenings :P

And for the record i though Ghis was cool, i did expect him to look different, he was still cool - but in a very Magneto way XD plus he came off as Darth Vader - which was just awesome
Im about to go onto Mount bur-Omisace, i didnt battle the elder Wrym because i have a very unbalanced party:

Vaan - 8 (Hate him)
Balthier - 11 (Had to choose between him and fran)
Fran - 24
Basch - 24
Ashe - 24
Penelo - 11 - but useful for quickenings :P

So when you are walking around who are you? Fran, Basch, or Ashe??

Right now I just got out of the lab
facing Cid for the first time
Well i managed to beat one demon wall last night, only to be killed by some thing within the main temple :(. Im going to level up even more later and try again. Currently my party is ranging between 13-16. Must level up more though :D.
Currently my party are at the following levels:
Vaan: 21
Balthier: 13
Fran: 13
Basch: 24
Ashe: 15
Penelo: 18

Generally I use Basch, Vaan and Penelo but I sometimes switch with the others.

I have to go to see some people in a village south of Giza Plains or something. I cant remember :(
am in the feywood forest where all those stupid stars are on the map and all the mist wondering where the hell to go!!!!! characters level 45-47 vaan,balthier,basch
I've just escaped the bazaars in Lhusu Mines. Level 16. My friend told me about a bridge in the mines were the skeletons constantly respawn so i used that bridge to level up.
Im at the point where I can go to the leviathen, rite now im doing all the side quests, Ive gotten all but three of the summonings, and I have the spear, and Ive done about twenty of the hunts and a bunch of the minor sidequests(Like delivering the letters, getting the girl a date and all taht jazz). Rite now, I just got the meddalion of mite, and I "can" go fight chaos, but I keep running out of MP to fight him with! I could easily go crush the main boss rite now, all my charectors are 65ish.
..Level 65 and you haven't got past Leviathan..? I'm guessing you haven't got Zalera for a start.

Now I think about it..your post doesn't make any sense. Are you SURE you don't mean Bahamut instead of Leviathan?
Me, I'm at The Pharos. A few levels below 40, actually. Can't seem to remember the exact levels. >.< I think I'm about to fight Pandaemonium. Heh, I say, "Bring it on."
Well still at Raithwall

Vaan - 18
Penelo - 18
Balthier - 18
Fran - 19
Basch - 18
Ashe - 18

Unlike everyone else, I train everyone equally.
Well still at Raithwall

Vaan - 18
Penelo - 18
Balthier - 18
Fran - 19
Basch - 18
Ashe - 18

Unlike everyone else, I train everyone equally.

Heh, I beg to disagree. Count me out in your "everyone" list. :P I train my characters equally as well. I always have, ever since I played my first FF game, FFVII. From there on, everyone's always in the same level as the storyline progressed. I think it's better that way because you can see ALL the character's full capabilities.

I personally don't care for Vaan, but I have to admit that he's a strong character and I use him equally as everyone. (Yes, I use Penelo too, even though she's a bit weaker than everyone else.)
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..Level 65 and you haven't got past Leviathan..? I'm guessing you haven't got Zalera for a start.

Now I think about it..your post doesn't make any sense. Are you SURE you don't mean Bahamut instead of Leviathan?

Oh shit, i meant bahumat, I couldn't have had the spear yet if I was only at the leviathen, but now Ive beaten the game just to see how it all goes down, and am back on finishing all the side quests, must say though, the ending really blew, but I wasn't really expecting much anyway.
At least the ending isn't as rubbish as for example..VII's?

People expect this to be a generic run of the mill FF, with a good old happy good guy Cid, some psychotic madman for a villain, some emo hero, and some love theme.

When many played this, of course they weren't expecting the changes.
Do you just like to annoy people or something? I swear every thread Ive looked in your always trying to shoot down everyone who disagrees with you, i mean shit, even in the passive threads your attacking peoples opinions and stuff. The ending was weak, get over it, seven was an awesome game, I'm tired of people not liking seven because everyone does, or because they want to be different or whatever. Its like not liking romeo and juliet, whats wrong with you. I'm glad not liking it has made you into some kinda of super rebel anti-hero who likes all things bad and hates all things good. It was one of the greatest games in its genre, it set a hallmark and waterline that many games have tried to follow and surpass. Its not that I didn't expect changes, but there are things that are never going to change, love stories will always be compelling and we have normal run of the mill heroes and villains here in reality, thats why we see movies, and read books and play video games, to get away from reality. Some political figure and some lawmakers are all over the place, a sorcerer from the future and all the dead harnessed into one form inst, and thats what makes it great. You cant tell me this game has a good ending, it was weak, but then it had nothing to build from,and this si why I never expected it to be good in the first place. The initial storyline sucked in the first place and the whole two seconds of charector development didn't help either. Dont get me wrong its a decent game, but it will never live up to the glory of seven, or eight, or nine or ten or six,one,three,four,five or any of the side stories that were good.
I disagree that it will never live up to FFVIII. I think VIII gave me the least satisfying experience of them all. XII is 100 times better than VIII. It's a good game, but compared to XII it 'aint that good.

Oh, and I've entered the Mt. Bur-Omisace. Damn that Elder Dragon boss. His status effects took the ultimate piss, it was just plain annoying and silly. Surprisingly in this battle I relied on Belias a lot (Mist attack timer moved to quick to get a good enough chain). People keep saying how Espers are useless. He definatley weren't useless for me.
Heh, I beg to disagree. Count me out in your "everyone" list. :P I train my characters equally as well. I always have, ever since I played my first FF game, FFVII. From there on, everyone's always in the same level as the storyline progressed. I think it's better that way because you can see ALL the character's full capabilities.

thats such a big waste of time leveling up every character whats the the point just choose your main characters leveling them all up will double the time taken to finish the game

harbringer shes a admin and 12 is better than 7 overall although 12 has a bad ending and a bad plot
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It's also called making a debate, adding something to the thread instead of just sitting back and doing nothing.

Harbringer, you think that. Think what you like. Love FFVII.

*smirks* There is NOTHING wrong with me. I like to challenge people's opinions, to get something back in return. I like to argue, to debate - do you see me going out there and flaming? This is something I do.

I don't just dislike VII because of what you said. So you know..you should ask me first why I don't like VII. I do storywise, but I've kinda opened my eyes now and saw lots of flaws with it.

I hate the battle system, pretty much the main cast, but I love the storyline. It's a classic. But the ending wasn't close to being sensational. A meteor was stopped. Then Red XIII was seen 500 years later..running with two cubs. I was like..yeah and..what does THIS mean? Pretty much all the other FF's haven't got that ambiguous ending which I like - which is why I like XII's. XII's brought tears to my eyes for one reason only
Gabranths Passing

I may also add the only FF to include love in the main storyline was in fact VIII. The other FF's.."had it in there". That's why I have made the point of emphasising that a love story missing in XII isn't that big of a deal.

LOL, this makes me giggle. If I say XII has a good ending, I will do. I will do, I will do.

Am I saying that everybody who doesn't like XII's ending is some sort of idiot?

I'm just sick and tired of some people coming and saying stuff was weak and shit whatever - and just not explaining it.

Don't tell me to get it over it either lol. I haven't told anyone else to do that about FFXII.

..but I am not attacking. If people are not happy with my responses, then feel free to challenge me.
The Best said:
thats such a big waste of time leveling up every character whats the the point just choose your main characters leveling them all up will double the time taken to finish the game

Well some people like to vary their gaming experience. Yes, they can all hold eachother's weaponry with the right license, but players may choose to individualise each character. Besides, if anything, at least you have a good or equal reserve team, should you get in the shits with a boss, or series of strong monsters.

Judge Rulia said:
There is NOTHING wrong with me.
Judge Rulia said:
Judge Ghis looked great
Oh leave me alone you big bully. ....

Would it scare you also to say that I liked Bergan too? XD
well judge rulia you took well i thought you would give him infraction but it turns out you arent harsh

and saix whats the point of gaining more gaming experience when i play a game i really want to finish it and find out the ending and dont want to waste my time but people are different although i played the game again and gave it more time but not that much