Where are you?

Im on a super levelling mission !! Im at level 75 and above and the last "Boss fight" was with Cid. Im doing hunts etc now. Just got the
carrot hunt
so once I have done that and got to level 80 I will go after Cid!
I've just received Reddas as a Guest after the whole ordeal within Giruvegan. Currently floating around trying to get some Hunts done, whilst training in the process.

I need to play this more often...
Just in the Sochen Cave palace - beat the first boss - the 5 onion things, and im LP grinding right now XD all the characters have all the quikenings (except Vaan who has 2)and im going to get a few more hunts done too ^_^
I'm at Mt Bur Omisace for the first time, but I've teleported back to Lhusu Mines in Bhujerba to train up my other party who I haven't use at all.
I'm near the King's tomb trying to beat the boss. But now I've got a strategy guide, I maybe lucky now. :D
Just started Pharos, i'm in the first ascent, very easy enemies i gotta say.

Meh, have fun at the Pharos. It's a long journey. I finally got out of that stinkin' place yesterday, then defeated Judge Gabranth and Cid. I just now got Zodiac sphere from Nabudis. Gawd, that place is filled with difficult monsters! I almost died a couple of times trying to get the Zodiac sphere and getting out of there alive! My highest level is 48, lowest being 43.

Hmm, I think I'm ready to face Vayne.
i just got out of the Pharos too :P

i think ill just go to bahamut and see the ending, then go back and do all the extra stuff XD

Fran and Ashe are level 51
Basch is level 46
Penelo level 39
Balthier level 29
and Vaan is level 10 >_< i HATE him
I just got into the Pharos. XD

Beat that second of three 'Watchers,' so I'm guessing from my current point... the third isn't so far away. I was half expecting these Watchers to be... you know... strong. :dry:

Currently leveling up within this area, too. Breaching level 60 with Basch and Balthier, whilst Vaan shoots on at level 64. Reddas is proving to be of little help...
Finished it today for the second time. Really
Vayne is sooo easy even at lvl 55 for the party average lvl
I got most of the secrets this go round, but haven't completed all the hunts yet. Guess I'll take another spin round Ivalice and do the rest of the hunts.
i'm up to were that kid (the imperial one don't know his name :) ) is a guest for the second time. All charaters lvl 18 execpt fran who's lvl 22. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fran
ive nearly completed all the hunts..

and i have just defeated the phoenix... got chaos.. what a mission...

im now after the seer... which apparently summons the phoenix ive just killed as well as the other marks.... slyt ect..
I finished it weeks ago. Party members are level 75,75,75,75,76,99. I'm just finishing all the hunts now...