Where are you?

im very close to the lighthouse section...

but i have to say!

the zodiac spear looks soooo rubbish.. well dissapointed with that.. but overall?

no way!

it is soo powerful!

it took me like 6minutes to beat a average good boss before..

now it takes me under a minute!!!

p.s i need ribbon

zodiac spear and escutcheon are really ugly in his design x3, but it has a point.. about the letter left in lowtown. It's obvious that if a simple man was hiding this weapon in certain parts of Ivalice, we can´t expect such a wonderful and shining-well-designed and stuff spear.
I bought this game yesterday, I am walking in the waterway with those lil rats and Vaan is only in level 3 :P
i have finished the game 3 times

does that answer the question to where i am
I'm currently in the midst of training in the Salikawood, having recently beat King Bomb. 'Renew' was just a bitch...

Ventured into Necrohol of Nabudis. Not a wise decision. XD
I've just entered the Laboratory and am looking for Doctor Cid.

Vaan, Fran and Balthier are all Lv 36
Basch, Penelo and Ashe are all Lv 35

The undead boss Ahreman (I think that's its name), the one just before you enter Old Archades, was a bitch to kill. He kept teleporting and dividing, but it was doing it so cheaply like it didn't want me to hit it at all. The Mandrogora pack were pests too, but that fight was a bit more controlled than the Ahreman one.
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ive done loadsa hunts this weekend.. all the ones except the nabidus(spelling) areas..... and a few overs... got about 24ish completed...

urmm.. ive got 9 espers so far i fink... maybe 8.. just about to fight.. the one in the lighthouse..

vann is level 56 i think

the rest are like 48s

im just buying some time and resting a bit from playing it... i think im near the end of the main plot..

p.s how do you fight the big boss yazhumat? with lotsa health?...
I just got to Old Archades yesterday
-all my characters are lvls 42 or 43
Finished the sequence in Balfonheim Port, and spent a few hours training in the Tchita Uplands and in Cerobi Steppe. Now on my way to the Feywood.

Disappointed with the Shield Wyrm...
Just out of Balfonheim Port, spending awhile fighting to update my equipment (things are rather expensive now eh?) in the Tchita Uplands and in Cerobi Steppe before proceeding to the Feywood. Clearing afew more hunts and side-quests as I go along too. Currently about lv 38 for each character.

I genuinly think this is the best FF since VIII ^_^
completed the main story just now.. going to try and get everything else the game has now...

ive found that the hunts are now quite hard to finish because its harder to find the monsters!!! grrrr

and i need to key special keys... for diablos:blink:
I've just done the Lhusu Mines, I dont get alot of gaming time nowadays as me and my girlfriend have just had a baby.
Currently in Giruvegan; the Great Crystal.

Reveived the Treaty Blade, and am now on my way to collect my special something. :p
Meh, I don't play it that much tbh, i've just been told by larsa to go to mount objourna or something dumb like that.