Where did you get your username from?

Stella Nox Fleuret, is of course the character in Final Fantasy Versus XIII. I came across her and read the description of how she's going to be a very distinctive heroine to the series. That had me fascinated in her and Versus XIII in general. I'd love my real name to be Stella though!

I almost considered calling myself Celes Chere when I joined up!
When I was little, I read a book series called Warriors. They were about all these cats that lived in clans... there system was so organized! I fell in love with them instantly. One of my favorite characters was Sorrelkit. Still a kitten, she was always getting into trouble. Now, as the cats grow older, their ranks change, as their ranks chage, so do the last part of their name. When a cat takes on the name 'star' in means they have become leader of the clan.

Badda bing, Badda boom. Sorrelstar.
I just wanted to pick something that rhymed in two words and wasnt really plain.

Names like Squall, cloud, zidane, all sound really corny rhymed and i hated tidus as a character. Not that my name doesnt sound corny it really just popped into my head and I was like sure. Probably had a lot to do with me being on my second play through of FFIX at the time. I haven't played XII yet, but I certainly will be because I heard good things about it. I'm also getting VI, V, IV but I haven't played them yet.
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Because i am condemned to hate, pain, and saddness. Well i welcome those feelings as they are the only feelings that will never leave you
My first name (Niels) + typo = niesl. After a few emails with this typo it quickly stuck.

The 2 has two reasons: first, I forgot my login on a few sites (with was just niesl) so I created a new account (just added a 2, 2nd account) and in the end used these so long that the 2 stuck. Second, I once googled my username and found out some chronically ill little girl used the same name for her website, and I don't want to steal my username from a little girl :)
my name dates back to 2001 when i registered for my first online game, starcraft battlenet. within a few seconds of brainstorming for a user name i heard in my mind the sound of cows and remembered a letter of my name. thus, Tmoo. exciting isn't it :wacky:
I can't imagine what people think of this stupid name.

My first and middle name: Ariana Isabella.
Smash them together, mix it up a bit: Asabella.

I was a bit worried it would sound like "ass a bella", but when I first came up with it I thought it would be more "ay sah bella". I'm curious as to how people thought it was pronounced, or what the hell it even was... :hmmm:

I've been having the urge to change it to something more traditional, like a character name, but I can picture myself changing it to something to do with FFXIII when I play and find something I like about it.
quite simple really. Gundam 00 :-) Great anime and great mech so I just decided to use the name.
Recently I developed an obsession for llamas after viewing them in a local park. It was absolutely hilarious how they chewed their food.


I changed the O's to U's. OMNUMNUMNUMNUM.

Seems to fit well between llamas and that internet-developed word. How original. :ryan:
Mine is from a staff Christmas theme and I thought Blitzen was the best one from those available to me.
Mine consists of my first name, 'Kandy' and then 'Sugar' is just what all my workmates and friends added on to the end of it. >.<

I do get called Candy Cane ALOT, which would have been perfect for the Christmas theme I reckon. XD

But yeah, I like the sound of Kandy-Sugar a lot better and it's what all my close friends have called me for a while and I thought it sounded good for a username. So I get it from there. =)
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From the hot sexy Final fantasy XIII character Jihl Nabaat
Hmm...lets see...Oh i know!! From this game called Crisis Core!! and A character named Genesis! ~~
ALBA is gaelic for scotland

Iv always used it on other forums. Mainly GFX ones and a lot of my work is tagged with it. I figured id change to it seeing as it has a bit more meaning behind it than 'lagunas dream'
Of course it's not that hard to work out where my current username is from.

I've been asked this a few times, so I'll make this clear. I'm not necessarily a Taylor Swift fan- I only have the name so I can keep the signature and not look a little random.

Plus I like the word swift. I like the idea of being fast :ryan:
Got my username from the villain in FFVII Sephiroth. He is just like my favorite villain from all games.So since Sephiroth is great I put for my usename "The Great Sephiroth".
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Humbert Humbert is the main character and narrator of the novel, Lolita, by Vladmir Novakov.