Where did you get your username from?

I chose mine because I am obsessed with Japanese things (anything from culture too tradition) and when I was attempting to learn some basic Japanese (no such thing, difficult language) I found out that in one form Mizu - Meant Water and Shinzui - Meant Spirit hence MizuShinzui - Water Spirit, although I think that a grammatically correct version if Spirit of Water, as they pronounce certain things like titles backwards like that.
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Basically i am a huge anime fanatic and i adored howls moving castle and calcifur is from that anime. He is the fire or mostly known as howls heart and i just loved that whole character and decided to name myself after him :)
As i said in the other thread Calcifur is from a anime called howls moving castle, Calcifur is the flame or better known as the heart of howl. i am a huge anime fanatic so seemed fitting for me to use this.
It's my most used username and one of my own original characters intended for fiction, but also what most people know me as.
I got my user name from Final Fantasy VI.

Its the title of Terra's job in the Empire. Magitek is taken from the Magitek Armor and she's a Elite form. So I mashed it up to form "Magitek Elite". I love the name. Its freakin' awesome ^^
Because I am a steam powered android with pipes all over. Hence the name, J.

And J is a short and sweet username.

(And also, I find similarity in being like a robot with somewhat of a philosophy.)
Lol at first I was just Tidus. The whole Tidus name got started with my first email, Tidus93@sbcglobal. I don't use it anymore but I had just beaten FFX when I made it so I used his name. I've just used that for my username ever since. I joined here as Tidus93, then Kei (Dark Cloud at the time) persuaded me to change it and join the dark side. Hence Dark Tidus.
I chose Battleborn because I have it tatted across my chest!
Because I am a proud Nevadan I wanted something that show of my pride.
Nevada became a state of the USA during the Civil War, therefore was nicknamed the "BattleBorn" state.
I chose Cardiac Kid because I have a habit of coming from behind in whatever I am doing, whether its school, sports, or games.
Another chance to plug my project!

But I may change my name in the future once I feel satisfied that the message is spread and my hype is down. I usually sport anything with Mask in the title, mainly because it stems from my love of a forum name being a sort of new slate. The mask can take many forms and shapes and allow me to truly propel my real inner self through that mask. But with less biscuits. Mmm.
I got mine from the main character in the Uncharted game series. Before this username though it was ForeverCloud, i got cloud from final fantasy 7 and i put in forever for the hell of it since i couldn't think of anything else at the time.

Shinryuu (which is actually supposed to be Shinryu with a line over the U, which in Japanese marks double vowels), which means "Divine Dragon", is one of the optional superbosses in FFV. I go with this name almost wherever I go, with Teostra as my backup plan. (Click this link for more details about Teostra =P)
Mine came from hitting random on a mmorpg many many years ago, and now i still use it
My username actually comes from two+ places. The first one: I was kinda obessed with Huntik (a TV show) when I changed it, so I named me after one of the titans on the show. Watch it and you'll know what a titan is. The second one: THE BOOK :gasp: Never finished it, but I enjoyed the 10 chapters or so that I've read. The other reasons... well, I just liked the name. : D
Vryheid = freedom/liberty, at least in some Dutch originated languages. Afrikaans is one of those languages. It is also a town in South Africa.

It has a lot of personal meaning for me, and makes a very convenient username.