Where did you get your username from?

Umm I got Rhomber from a friend, we were playing battletech and that was the name of one of his "bad guys" I thought it was a cool name so I stole it lol. But I think he got it from a book....dune I think it was. Not 100% on that though. My other big alias is Cloud Redrum, I got that from my favorite character in FF7 and Redrum is murder backwards and thats that.
Kafka means crow in Czech. I also got it from a character in a book. When I was still in elementary, my teacher gave us totem symbols. My symbol was the crow. Since then, I'm obsessed with crows!^^
First forum I joined was the FinalFantasyOnline forum many many years ago. So I picked Blitz, Sabin's attack. Been using it ever sense on what ever forum Im on. A lot of times I do have to use Blitz55 because Blitz has been taken. But I have never ever seen this other Blitz out there on any forum.
Its a little obvious... (Otherwise, my avatar says it all)

I'm a Scorpio... Which is the 8th in the sequence of the horoscopes... Thus, 8th Horoscope.
Here are the reasons for all my usernames on this forum.

JustDaz - I mentioned in the real names thread that Daz is my nickname but I got the odd person calling me 'Dazza' which to me was usually anyone with the name Darren got and I was Daz. When people asked what do I prefer I would say 'Just Daz'.

Kain's Lace - Since this is a Final Fantasy forum, I wanted to change my name to something else. I don't like changing my username to something different from other forums because then I usually get mixed up, but the forums that I visit I have a different username for all (except 2 were I do actually have the same username) so I decided to go for a Final Fantasy character I like (Kain). I think the names 'Kain', 'Kain Highwind', 'Kain the Dragoon' etc were taken and my imagination can let me down when I most need it. Anyway, I remember there was a username called 'Squall's Gunblade' at the time. By now you should figure the rest out.

Zidane - I was playing Final Fantasy IX quite a lot at that time and Zidane is an amazing character so I decided to rename myself to reflect what I was doing at the time. I remember someone saying this was my best but I can no longer go back to this name I think since less than 24 hours of changing mine someone registered with it. :D

George Agdgdgwngo
- Haha, this is more for the British people. :D Again this is similar to Zidane as this was the time Fonejacker (prank call show) was on TV and there is a character on it called 'George Agdgdgwngo' who is from Uganda and phones people telling them ridiculous things like a pigeon is in the vault and they need their bank details to get it out etc.

Dragoon Legacy - No idea, simple as. Obviously this was to do with Kain but otherwise I don't know where it came from. Just a spur of the moment thing I guess.

Clyde Frog - I am a massive South Park fan. I would probably say I am a bigger fan of South Park than Final Fantasy, so I decided to change my name to something relevant to South Park. I could of went for the obvious choices like Cartman, Chef, Timmy, Mr. Hat etc but no. I wanted to go with someone (Or something) that is a part of the show through out but doesn't stand out. I then saw someone on another forum deciding to change his name to Clyde Frog but he never did (And now I have the name on that forum). My PS3/X360 Gamertags are both ClydeFrog50 (Feel free to add). Even people who like South Park a lot (Obviously not as much as me) don't get the reference. I usually end up getting like 1 or 2 comments over Xbox Live of those that DO know who he is. :D

That wraps that up and I noticed I just made mildly long post out of something that is usually a sentence or two. :D
It's my most commonly used alias over the internet these days, that's why. It was either this or "Deospawn", but I haven't used that in a long time.
I picked the name Sephiroth because he is like the greatest badguy ever, and he is awesum, the hair, the sword, and the world ending attacks, you can't get better than him haha
I want to share mine, because most people don't get it, or think they get it, but don't.

My RL name starts with an A, hence the A.
My baseball number is and always has been 20, hence the 20.
A20 (Pronounced A - 2 - O) although it's a zero.
Yall prolly don't give a fck, but now you know...........

And it has a great resemblance to H2O[Water] & N2O[Nitrous Oxide]
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My latest change in my name is down to a recurring obsession that I have with a PC game called Starcraft, a sequel to which is hopefully going to be released this year, after a ten year-long wait!
Probably not worth listing all 20 of my name changes... >_>

Saix - My second username on FFF and the one I've kept for the longest, and returned to the most. It's not that I love it as a name really, it's just something that's completely stuck with me... not to mention how many people still refer to me as "Saix". He's a pretty fancy boss in KH2 as well, and of course being such a fan of villains... =D

Also, fuck you DeviantArt!

Dr. Cid - After some conversations with Lisa on FFXII, I concluded that telling her Balthier is a good character was futile, and arrived at a compromise with this character... funnily enough his father. :wacky: Ultimately, I found I really did like him, so the change was a given. Probably one of my favourite names chosen to date.

Agent Smith - olol he's awesome. No other logic required.

Lurid - Initially, I was thinking of something relating to poisonous, toxic etc and this word came to me. Not befitting of me as a person, but it has a certain ring to it. Alas, 'twas selected for use.
Peter Griffin...

Because Family Guy is pure epicness. My next username is going to have to do with SpongeBob Squarepants. Because that show is pure epicness too.
Godspeed- That would have to be because I've fallen in love with the song Godspeed by Anberlin. Not only that, I think Godspeed is a awesome word.

My screen name comes from the first game in the Wild Arms series. Ever since I played it, I became absolutely obsessed with the games, even more so than Final Fantasy.
The main character in the game, Rudy, turned out to be a robot. His model was called the Holmcross. It was a giant surprise at that point in the game, because most of the enemies were of the same build, and it changed the entire atmosphere between the main characters.

Although, this is the first forum I've used this name on. I like it, but I can see myself wanting to change it sometime in the future.