Where did you get your username?


Jun 6, 2006
I just wanna know where you got your username or usertitle. Well you certainly know how I got my username and there's no need to explain it to you. :lol: Unless you don't have a clue how, my previous username used to be "Dark Cloud" but since a lot of people are going by this name, I've decided for a name change. And since Cloud Strife is my favorite Final Fantasy character, suddenely his lovely blade, Buster Sword, came up on my mind. I'd say it's my favorite weapon too. So you see, I have merged both names and finally got "Darkblade".

How about yours?
I'm a huge Vincent fan - well, fangirl - and since he loved Lucrecia, I decided to make my username Vincent'sLucrecia.

I pretty much use this username everywhere I go.
Hrm.. Originally I was going to go under the alias of "Oblivion", named after the ride at Alton Towers (an amusement park in the UK). However my friend suggested that I add "Knight" after it.. It had a certain ring to it, and I've used the alias for about 5 or 6 years now.

Oh, and I am aware that there are Oblivion Knights in Diablo 2, but that isn't what my name is based on and the name was actually 'created' before that game was released.. I should try and sue them.! ^^;
Moonchild = title of opening song from Iron Maiden's 1988 album, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.

I use it pretty much everywhere, so if you see a Moonchild its most likely going to be me. (if username is already taken I usually go for Moonchild88 or Silent Jay)
My username came because when I tried One Winged Angel and Sephiroth they ere taken already. Vincent is almost as cool as Sephiroth so I used that.
What inspired me to use this username was my love for Final Fantasy VIII :3.
I took Squall's surname Leonhart and Rinoa's first name Rinoa then combined them.
'Leo' from Squall and 'na' from Rinoa...
It's about as original as I could get :D.
My username is not a difficult thing to explain; My first name is Chris, and the first letter of my surname is M - Go figure :P

My usertitle comes from another username I go by on some forums, and used to on others; hellsatan - Don't ask :P

Easy, one day I decided to translate my name to Japanese xP, so I got Karura. I got the name of Selkie no Karura too. But's that another history.
i thought about mine for a while and decided nah lionheart is already in a game so then i came up with dragonheart for some oomph
I am a huge Cloud fangirl, and when Cloud is in a username then a lot of people presume it's a guy, so I stuck gurl in, spelt like that because I'm just different and it looks cool, and then I stuck a 69 on the end because that number just rawks. Ta dah ~
My name came from FFVII, one of the enemies you fight on the train for the huge materia is named Wolfmiester.
Well I got my name used from Amy Lee (Evanescence) who once wore a Malice In Wonderland dress for a photoshoot.
Cloudgurl69 said:
I am a huge Cloud fangirl, and when Cloud is in a username then a lot of people presume it's a guy, so I stuck gurl in, spelt like that because I'm just different and it looks cool, and then I stuck a 69 on the end because that number just rawks. Ta dah ~

The number 69 is the best number ever!
Actually, I was trying to name a Chocobo in Final Fantasy VII x_x

It was a mountain and river chocobo so I wanted something dark/shadow-like. I was thinking just pain 'Shadow' when it hit me. Faithful to the Shadows = Shadowfaith.

I was gutted when I was one space short in the name and had to name him Shadowfate instead XP

But I kept the name for myself XD