Where did you get your username?

For DKnight, the D is the first initial of may last name, and put knight at the end. I had a facination with the Story of King Arthur when I came up with this name, and have kept it for some time. Plus after I came up with it, you can almost read it as Dark knight if you wanted to. and they tend to be the lone heroes in a story.
"Life calls out the meaning of pure jubilance,
if you'll only take the time to hear it."
- "Words of Ivory" -

The "Words of Ivory" are a series of lines from a poem writen to me by a friend many years back. As a writer myself, I thought it would be a appropriate to come up with a name that relates to a strong belief of mine... hence this name. :)
Well I got my username from Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Nintendo Wii.Pit is one of the characters.
The name Vegnya came out of the top of my head during my moments of RP plotting. I thought it sounded so nice that I just stuck with it.

My usertitle, unfortunately, is stuck this way.
I got it from naruto {the technique}. I chosed this name because I think it sounds nice.
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ok new username means new post.

Pieman is a comic I made cause I love pie. It originated as a chatroom rpg thing tho.

and you don't seem hardcore, more poserish and emo.
I got my username from my brother.
He suggested the name "Kajie"...I don't know why he'd chosen the name though..
And I never bothered to ask..XD
Ah, this question again. It never gets old, but I'll answer it again. My username is a mixture of an anime called Kurumi, and my name, just spelled a little differently.
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My username is very, very symbolic. In the Egyptian concept of the soul, Sekhu is the physical bodily remains.
For one, as some of you know, I took Latin for four years in high school (and absolutely LOVED it), and I take a keen interest in fire.

Vulcan is the Roman God of Fire, so it fit.
It all started with a little site called Neopets. My name, I believe, was randomly generated as NeoFlare112. Well, soon after, I began to play Unreal Tournament, and I wasn't about to use NeoFlare112 as my name. The other person who played on that computer went by Electric. I sort of looked up to him, so I thought of the elements. My favorite has always been water/cold/ice and wind/air. Well, Arctic sounded perfect. At the same time, I lost my password to my old Neopets account. I couldn't go back to NeoFlare112, so I subbed in Arctic in place of Neo. Hence, Arcticflare112 was born. I've been using variations thereof for years.

I think it accurately describes me. I like to be aloof, cold, and critical. Still, I have my outbursts from time to time, and they've earned me quite a reputation in school. Ask me about it from time to time. Anyway, that's my temper flaring from time to time. When I think arcticflare, I think of a supernova in the arctic sky, or the Northern Lights. Anyone like it?
My name actually use to be SutekiMitsukai. That was my username on every forum where I registered. Well, when my friend made a mewsig for me after I asked, I decided to try something new.

I decided to make my user title on different forums "Mew Mew <3" while I have the name "Mew Mew <3" here. It's been a long time since I actually did have something else any SutekiMitsukai.

I've had SutekiMitsukai everywhere since I was about 14. It's Japanese for Beautiful Angel. I don't remember where I came up with the "Beautiful Angel" part but I was really into Japanese and I still am.

I think Mew is the cutest character from Pokemon. I've always thought he was cute. I often use <3's so I just put "Mew Mew" and "<3" together.