Where did you get your username?

i thought it by myself.
i like being a fighter and i wanted to use this word.
and Sins was from one scene of AC.
remember when Cloud asks Vincent:
"Are sins ever forgiven?"
DragonZ3ro - Well its just some random name i thought of
Yuri Volte Hyuga - Xehanort Nobody gave me the idea, its the main character of shadow hearts
When I started Animal Crossing: Wild World, I needed a new name. I went to one of those baby-naming Web sites and narrowed it down to a few I liked, and I decided on Cecily. Now I'm using it here.
Since my previous post I've had my name changed. So where I got this one? There's an OC remix called Above The Rising Falls [Kingdom Hearts]. And the person who made it is titled Sephire. I think it sounds great, and easily confuses people with 'Saphire.' xD. So cha, that's where I got mine from.
oh haha. I guess you could if you want to.

itsgalf I got from an online game. Kind of a long story.

it was originally 'galf' because they imposed a 4 letter username limit at one time, so I was going for 'galford' from samurai showdown and it came as 'galf'

then they took away the 4 letter limit, and in game there was a fad to create a secondary character called "its____" and then your original alias. So yah, itsgalf.

Just kind of stuck to it.
I originally wasn't going to stick with this name after Blootix and all the hell that that site had. But I couldn't think of a better name at all, so I had to stick with old faithful.
It's off an old Black Metal song "Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner" (Over Mountains And Through Thorns)

So loosely translated my name means Over Mountains..
I got mine from my main character of my comicbook...and he's the same character I use in all of the RPs and RPGs I play...