Where did you get your username?

My username uhh...Unthinkable-of-me, I always think thet there's Unthinkable of me, but I can't find it,I wish I can find the Unthiable of me,and that why I made this username I just love it xP
I called myself princess_tifa because I heard (and saw) that Tifa can kick a$$. Then on this internet site someone said that she's like a princess of martial arts. That's probably why I chose this username
from my name chose it as i can use it in most things not many others have this kinda name
my user name is just my first name spelt backwards, original i know...
Laharl was the only none FF name i could come up with. I didn't want to have people with my username in there's and i thought "Disgaea is an Underground game and not many people know about it" so i chose Laharl because he's the coolest outta the series. And well he's an Overlord so there's you title right there xD.
Mine originally was going to be Big Boss, but it looks that I was beaten to it, for some time. Zen, well it really just sounds cool and I choose it. There is a reference of the word Zen in That 70s Show in the second season.
Eureka Seven.
I used once "Squall True Lionheart" which earned me to get a nickname from a member which was "True Storming Heart of a Lion"

Then I changed it to Julius Argexis which is my actual RP Character.

Honestly it was going to be "Juste" Argexis, "Juste" from the Castlevania Series. I don't know, I thougth that Julius was better than "Juste"

Argexis is based on my real name.....I wish my real name were "Argexis" though....sounds cooler.
mine is like really simple. Helena is my first name (but its pronounced
Hel-ana) and the lou comes from my middle name: louise. i use that name for almost everything.
My AOL screen name has been "BustaKillaMove21" for the last 8 years or so. However, I didn't want that long of a username so I shorted it up to BustaMo (BustaKillaMove21) and have usd that on forums ever since 2002. So BustaMo is just a branch off of my AIM username.
Not sure if anyone has seen the movie Tron, but my name is the name of the main bad guy other than the MCP. I'm sure someone has seen the movie (or played the level in KH2).
A lot of people have been asking about mine so here it is...

A friend of mine goes by The Doctor and I thought his name was pretty cool although unoriginal. So since we basically were a team on every forum we went to, I wanted something similar and yet unique.

So, I started thinking really hard about things I like and of course writing came to mind. So I started searching around in books that I have read and I came upon one where a character is called, "Scriblerian" because he is a newspaper writer.

I then simply put The in front of it and wallah!
I made it up back in 9th grade. I also used this name for my mage in WoW.
Rhea - one of my RP characters; Rheachel
Booger - Just a personal interest
Nephany - highschool nickname that one of my best friends gave me
Tana; It's my nickname in real life. My full name's Hristiana, but seeing as 2/3 (or more) of the number of people who I have met can't spell/say my name right... (See the 'H' there? NO FUCKING 'C' OR 'K', YOU ILLITERATE DUMBFUCKS. Besides, why would anyone mispell their own name if you think Hristiana just sounds so wrong?)

I used to not like it (Tana), because my parents would be the only ones who'd call me it... but when my friends started calling me it, then I didn't mind so much.
People think I got mine from DOA but really I got it from FFX-2.

It was a move that gave haste and protect.
I was going to make this thread, but I found a duplicate and decided to revive it. Hope that's legal...O_O

I have an Ibanez guitar, and I love it. Therefore, ibbylove.

Originally, I wanted my user name, "Demaian" for a character in a story I am making, but I thought my old user name which I've been using for years prior, "FierceDragon" was getting too immature for my tastes, so I changed it. And that character by the way, has been named something else.

As for my current User Title which may last for a very long time, "Disturbingly Beautiful" was a magnificent oxymoron I got from an online friend's mouth. I loved it so much I had to steal it. I showed him a picture of one of my idols and he said it, "disturbingly beautiful".