Where do you 'train'?

The Dreadnought

Chocobo Breeder
Feb 2, 2008
I am at that rut in the game, right after the Pharos, and need to level up to around 60 and higher. Right now I'm roaming the Cerobii Stepes, but the SHield Wyrms don't seem to be worth the time. So where do you guys train?
the shield wyrms SUCK simply because it's tought to handle them and one of the flying bastards as well. :c

I'm thinking either Lhusu mines or Cerobii Steppes, since I'm level 57, they go down a little quicker. It's either that or... dang I forgot the name.

The place right before the ruins you have to go through to get to Archades. With the Molboro's, snakes and ceourls. that place seemed pretty good. Lots of monsters, big area, good exp (especially if you steal Emboridered Tippets from the ceourls. Saves you money and you can also sell some of the extra ones for cash too.)

anywho, that's where I'm going.

Edit: Tchita Highlands! That was it! That place!

I'm such a genius. :D
Actually, the Henne Mines secret area is the best way to level up. Although it IS the toughest area in the game, the Seekers give out 2k EXP per kill.
Actually, the Henne Mines secret area is the best way to level up. Although it IS the toughest area in the game, the Seekers give out 2k EXP per kill.

Yer, I ran into those guys by accident while I was exploring

Also those deadland places or whatever its called isnt half bad

1) Where is this secret place you speaketh of? I MUST KNOW!!!

2) Where the hell are the Nabudis Deadlands? I have many marks there to kill, but I haven't the faintest clue where it is.
Its after you kill that big bomb thing in golmore jungle

And I think I cant remember how i stumbled across that area altho I know I ddn't get to it the normal way (lol im so helpful)
You mean, Nabudis is a secret/well-known area you must stumble across randomely?


I can't get there with the strahl?
You can reach the Deadlands from 2 ways. The first through Nabudis (which I don't recommend if you are below lv 40) The other through the Highwaste.

The secret area can be accessed once you complete ALL marks and hunts from Jahara. (Including Addramelsh Esper or whatever his name is) be warned though, it isn't an easy route. Make sure you have the best possible equipment and equip bubble belts. The enemies do 2k per hit.
You can reach the Deadlands from 2 ways. The first through Nabudis (which I don't recommend if you are below lv 40) The other through the Highwaste.

I'm level 56, I'll be good I think. :P

btw, I love you. Thank you for telling me this.

The secret area can be accessed once you complete ALL marks and hunts from Jahara. (Including Addramelsh Esper or whatever his name is) be warned though, it isn't an easy route. Make sure you have the best possible equipment and equip bubble belts. The enemies do 2k per hit.

After you defeat all marks/espers? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? -_-

Thanks anywho! *squggles*

*goes off to play 12*
Secret area. Does it have a name? And where do you go in Nabudis to acess the deadlands?

Also, what level do you think I should be before taking on the Hell Wyrm?
For Hell Wyrm; I'd reccomend about 65+, although you can do it at a lower level you may not want to...

And to actually access the secret area all you need to do is get 10 Espers and defeat the Mindflayer Hunt...

I train in the secret area in the Henne Mines, the Necrohol and on the Cerobi Steppe
For Hell Wyrm; I'd reccomend about 65+, although you can do it at a lower level you may not want to...

And to actually access the secret area all you need to do is get 10 Espers and defeat the Mindflayer Hunt...

I train in the secret area in the Henne Mines, the Necrohol and on the Cerobi Steppe
No, there are MANY complaints about this method. (I think is was Brady Games who first said something about it) You have to complete all Jahara Marks and sidequests.

As for Hell Wyrm, yes around lv 60+, although Levels part a less vital role in battling. especially for this FF. Having decent equipment is much better than being a high level without good equipment.
But all the extra hit points from all those levels do tend to help a bit. :D

Oi, the Deadlands are the best place to level right now. I'm at level 62, and levelling for the 'Battle on the Bridge' mark.
the place i trained was just before gurivan
i got 15-20 lvls there though i was farming for mrrior mail and in that i only got one
The hit points do help, but if you equip the best Light Armour, along with every Hp-Boost Licence, and Bubble Belts then you would have the same effect.