Where do you 'train'?

OMG, I noticed that too! Heavy mist makes your MP fill up faster! For so long I thought I was delusional or something.

Yeh, I just took it from the story that the ability to actually make use of magics was through the manipulation of the mists. Not sure if that's the actual case or not though. :unsure:
I am around a level 20 when i get to raithwalls tomb. I like to raise my AP at the sandsea because the little guys die quick, there are a ton of them, and you can get a great combo. But at this point where would be a good place to go hunting for exp. I have the Iron hammer for ever char which is the best wep at this point in the game. Any suggestions would be helpfull. Thanks
You get better results with the Demonsbane at this particular point in the game. It's located at the end of the secret passageway which is unlocked AFTER you beat the very first Demon Wall. The chances of you acquiring it from the actual chest aren't too great, so you may have to reset a few times.
I actually acquired the Demonsbane this time around on the first try so i am whooping some butt with that. But where would be a good spot for some exp, or ap at this point? Iv been looking around and the best spot so far is right outside Jahara. Exp out there is about 206-305 a pop, Just wondering where the best next place would be. Thanks!
thanx for this guys i have struggled quite a bit in the game as i like to just get on with the game and get through as quick as i can, the only problem with that is the enemy levels go up quite fast as you progress through and the charachter levels go up much slower. i am now stuck and have been for a while where the rains have started on the giza plains and so the levels of enemys have gone really high compared to my characters levels which are only at lvl 15, i need to go back and train some more really bad but this is because i have not trained at all i now i cannot get any further :mad::mad:

i can stroll through the Necrohol of Naubudis without suffering a scratch. Everything that attacks me hits 0's! So I'm DONE training. my party is level 80's. I'm just working on ultimate weapons and stuff

and cat-ear hood is the best, better than ribbon. just set youre gambits to have youre party throw remedies on status affects that are the biggest problems (for me its disable, disease, and stop). since youre foes cant cast the effect on all of youre charactors at once, as soon as one gets (i.e.) disabled, an ally will be throwing a remedy on them before they get hit. then it the charator who just got cured throws a remedy and so on.

and bubble belt is lame, all you do is set the gambit
Self = Bubble
and youre good to go.
^ Have you gone through the Henne Mines secret area? That place isn't easy even at Lv 90+.

And I disagree with you, on the point about the Cat Ear Hood being the best accessory. In my opinion, Ribbon and Bubble Belts are the best 'Default' accessory since you don't have to waste time casting bubble (Which goes away after dieing) and using remedies.
i can stroll through the Necrohol of Naubudis without suffering a scratch. Everything that attacks me hits 0's! So I'm DONE training. my party is level 80's. I'm just working on ultimate weapons and stuff

and cat-ear hood is the best, better than ribbon. just set youre gambits to have youre party throw remedies on status affects that are the biggest problems (for me its disable, disease, and stop). since youre foes cant cast the effect on all of youre charactors at once, as soon as one gets (i.e.) disabled, an ally will be throwing a remedy on them before they get hit. then it the charator who just got cured throws a remedy and so on.

and bubble belt is lame, all you do is set the gambit
Self = Bubble
and youre good to go.

I bet you've not yet tried the Secret are of the Henne Mines. I'm level 85+ and I am STILL having a hard time beating fiends in there. It's because they all run in packs. =/. Psh. Try there and see how fairly you come off.
I'm only in the low-fifties, and the lower level of the Pharos just cripples me. about 10 level 55s pounce on me as soon as I enter >_< There and the Necrohol is where I train, and the Necrohol is easy.
Usually, for level-up I use the Henne Mines secret area...the Abysteels and Hecteyes aren't hard if you've got a high level, and give good experience, and for hard training you can always fight the Necrofiends and Etéms at the Special charter Dig.
My party is 79-80 and the Necrofiends and Etems can still put up good fights, even with the right equipment.
So, if your average party level is about 65, I'd advice you to train at henne mines, especially with Abysteels. If you're at less than level 60, forget it!
Train elsewhere! The Pharos Subterra, Deadlands and the Great Crystal are useful if you're in your fifties (use good equipment!) and Cerobbi Steppe is useful for your forties.
Anyways, ALWAYS use the Embroidered Tippet for level-up! It's an enourmous help!

Good Level-up ;)
I train in the basement of the pharos at Ridora(not sure on the spelling) but if you can get past the first mass of enermies it's good training down there.
Where do i find the embriodered tippet thingy you said...

And i likez to train at ridorana where all the skeletons are, i think its the second ascent i'm talking about
I love going to Mt. Bur Ommisace or the Salika Wood. My characters are only level 30 so the Zertinan Caverns are too difficult for me.
I go to the Sandsea train - if you're near, go to the Zertinan caverns and you will have a great time leveling up :monster:
However, its not such as good place to go if you are a low level.
I go to the Sandsea train - if you're near, go to the Zertinan caverns and you will have a great time leveling up :monster:
However, its not such as good place to go if you are a low level.
Indeed, that's what I wrote :)

I sometimes go to Sandea but only to get Kill Chains because there are many Yensas around.
By the time I got to... I want to say the Feywood, I didn't have to train anymore for the rest of the game. But, early on, I spent hours in the Mosphoran Highwaste leveling up and collecting items. I don't know why, but I thought it was really fun. The music was epic, too.
I usually buy whole lot of teleport stones at Belfonheim Port and train in Cerobi step because of the Shield Wyrms and then I teleport to Phon Coast.

I usually switch inbetween those two.
Just out of curiousity did anyone else try mobbing wayyyyyy early in the game like I did? I forget what it was called but where you had to fight hordes of guards after rescuing Ashe from the cell and you could chain the guards and such forever once you set off the alarm and run back to save/heal at the jail cells whenever you need. I spent a few hours there and got like an easy 10 or so levels which for me made running through the game pretty easy. I got 3 lvl 84+ chars and still havent found a boss I can't handle.