where would you like to live in ff9

chocobo forest?

but.... how would you have shelter are you going to snip the wings off the chocobo and use them as a roof for a little hut ^.^ lol

also another place would possibly be in the invincable.
Daguerro, or however it's spelled. :P

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I would have to say I'd live in Lindblum. One of my favorite parts of 9 is the Airships so why go anywhere else? Plus the fact that you have so much to do, the Festival Of The Hunt and a slight chance at joining Tantalus!

My second choice though would probably be Madain Sari. I love Moogles and getting to see the art on the sandstone daily would calm me ever so much!
Deli. for the ame reasons, I like relaxing places, I like places where I wouldn't need to care

Ah, that was the name I was thinking of! Deli. I had an image in mind, but couldn't remember the name. I find that place quite relaxing as well, so I'd definitely consider that.
I thought I had already responded to this, but nope!

I think I'd prefer Alexandria. It seemed rustic and noble at the same time, with brick paved streets and the giant castle and some narrow streets with market stalls and all that. It kind of reminds me of Greenwich Village in NYC, minus the castle.
I thought I had already responded to this, but nope!

I think I'd prefer Alexandria. It seemed rustic and noble at the same time, with brick paved streets and the giant castle and some narrow streets with market stalls and all that. It kind of reminds me of Greenwich Village in NYC, minus the castle.

>_< Yeah, but you'd get mugged and raped in Alexandria...or was it Lindblum? Do correct me if I am wrong.

Anyway, Burmecia rocks if you ask me, it has the most beautiful scenery, is crawling with moogles...pity about it being a ruin though. I was so angry when they destroyed it -_-
Lindblum! That's actually one of my favorite towns in Final Fantasy history. I love the whole idea of how the castle is built into the town, and how it's an airship port city.
Daguerreo, hands down!

It's on top of a mountain but flooded with water. So nice. :)

It's a wonderful spot to relax and just shop.

And maybe you could build a secret army of moogle slaves in one of the surrounding islands. :monsmash:
i have probably answered this before but after much more thought i would have to say Lindblum as the name is soo cool
Probably terra for me as the place itself is full of wonders and many places to explore
I would love to live in Lindblum. Not only for the air trams, but for the festival of the hunt. I would love to participate in it and slay some beasts. And see just how good those Gysahl Pickles are.
I'd go for Dali, simple and peaceful life.
Beastin said:
And see just how good those Gysahl Pickles are.
Then you best be prepared for the smell, they did mention it had a real bad smell right?
I'd go for Dali, simple and peaceful life.

Then you best be prepared for the smell, they did mention it had a real bad smell right?

Yeah they did mention it, but sometime the bad smelling stuff tastes the best. Depends on if you can man-up and give it a try.