Where would you like to live?

Tidus's Zanarkand seems cool I would love to live in it but without Sin >.> or maybe Luca since I like the cities the most >.>
That little docking bay that gets wiped out by sin is beaut (before it gets trashed). Probably there or Besaid (sp?) I like the mixture of the beach with nice greenery around too, there's waterfalls an everything, lovely...
I really like the Moonflow, so somewhere around there or Guadosalam becaus ethe Farplane is well nice

Or maybe I'd be a travelling merchant or something becaue all the places are pretty really, apart from the Thunderplains, I hate that place
The Zanarkand that existed 1000 years ago. '-'
I thought it was an impressive city. All the villages in the game look... Well, not bad, but I don't like them, they're too small. ^^
Even though the people are mean, I really like the design of Bevelle...its all so colourful!
But I think Besaid would be pretty nice, and the old Zanarkand looks so fun :3
But to be honest, as long as I was in Spira, I wouldn't mind where exactly xD
Spira period.


Please put more effort into your post. One liners are not allowed and considered spam. Why do you want to live in Spira?
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Well if sin wasn't about I would probably live in Kilika, that place looks amazing! :D I also like the look of Luca, would love to live there too.
Defiantly Besaid. I love the whole tropical thing and I would take it over a big city any day. Not to mention it's safe from sin.
Guadosalam, simply because it kicks ass. :)
And Seymore lives there. :P
Either that Zanarkand or the moonflow, because they are both perdy. o_o
Zanarkand! No doubt. I really love how that place looks. It actually one of the coolest places on any other Final Fantasy game. Even Final Fantasy XII.
ok id live in either "home" or guadosalam

Mod Edit: Please try to put more effort into your post. Try and say 'why' you'd live in Home or Guadosalam. Thank you. =]
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As much as I like Zanarkand I would not live there.

I would have to go with Besaid, Kilika, or even the Calm lands if possible without getting killed by fiends. I have imagined myself in Besaid once, like at night and floating on my back in the water and gazing at the stars. Now that I would love.

What can I say I am sucker for the stars.
Between Luca and Zanarkand.

But I'd choose Zanarkand over anything else. Just the scenery would be enough to move me there, let alone Blitzball and really, really tall buildings.