Where would you live?

Uhhh, Nimbelheim or Wutai; I can't decide!! I think I'd have to go for Nimbelheim because I lie the quaintness of it - plus it seems a lot of you guys are there too, woo!
I would definitely live in Costa del Sol. I already come from Midwestern suburbia, so I wouldn't want to live in a rural area at all. I've always wanted to live close to the beach anyway, but if it got too tourist-y I would probably move somewhere else. Tourists really blow. :wacky:
i love that snowy place near the northern crater, can't remember what it is called though :hmmm: i love snow, snowboarding, skiing i would just spend my time snowboarding try to catch ballons and avoid snow moogles :mokken:
i love that snowy place near the northern crater, can't remember what it is called though :hmmm: i love snow, snowboarding, skiing i would just spend my time snowboarding try to catch ballons and avoid snow moogles :mokken:
The snow place that your talking about is called Icicle Inn. That is the perfect place to live for people like you who love snowboarding.
If you have to choose a place to live in the Final Fantasy VII world, where would you live?

I think I'd live in Wutai, I like the Asian cities in FFVII, plus it one of the best cities IMO.
I think I shud live in the best place on ff7 GOLD SAUCER hehe yea as its awesome and u can wins monies XD hehe j/k na i wanna live in rocket town as its nice but the bad thing is it is noisy (rockets) but it is my ideal place to live in ff7 :) x
I think I would live in Icicle Inn. Listening to that song 24/7 can't be that bad. It has a very cosy atmosphere to it, like Kalm.
go;d saucer ill never get bored there or costa del sol hot girls in bikini who knows might see tifa in a bikini as well or topless :)
Lol prolly Costa del Sol especially if i got to live their during Crisis Core so id get to see me some shirtless Zack :fan: and id only have to wait 5 yrs to see the regular gang lol shirtless Vincent mmmmmmm. lol *fangirl scream* lol but also i just luv beaches and hot weather the Icicle Inn would be fun too though i suppose just the weather would be the only problem their lol.
If I had a choice to live anywhere in FF7 it would be a decision between Midgar as its a large city and I would be able to see Loveless :P

My other choice would have to be Wutai a nice peaceful village in next to nowhere, with no surrounding cities etc. A desolate place.
Wutai would be a fun palce to live, but I loved Cosmo Canyon's atmosphere. So, I would have to say Cosmo Canyon.
I'm gonna go with Wutai or something! Seriously, living in those houses would be too freaking awesome *_* you could go bungee jumping from the cliffs!! XD
Somewhere far away from other people in the world, preferably under the mansion at Nibelheim, this is just sounding like I want to be Vincent, but I do not, i just think it would be an awesome place to live - no one to annoy me, I always prefer my own company over other's, so this place would be perfect for me.
I'd live in Midgar :O... just kidding.
I'd live in Kalm, it's peaceful, it's pretty, and it's seems like one of those small towns where everybody knows everybody. I love that. =)
If I had a choice to live anywhere in FF7 it would be a decision between Midgar as its a large city and I would be able to see Loveless :P

Haha Loveless I really want to know more about that what with the posters in DoC and all, I'd probably say Midgar to to be honest, I think I'd like the city feel and trips to the slums to see like wall market etc.
Midgar, reminds of my hometown back in Seattle.

No, no, I'm joking (I love Seattle, before anyone complains!), maybe...Uh....Near the Chocobo Sage's place since farms and chocobo's are cool, though that's not really a town...But whatever!
Wutai and/or Costa del Sol. I think I'd generally like Costa del Sol better (sunny, carefree and by the ocean!), but Wutai has Yuffie <3.