Where would you live?

I'd probably stay in Midgar. I mean, look at that monument they have in Advent Children,you knowm the one that reads "Keep On Rockin' In Midgar!".

Gotta love a town with a sense of humor! n__n-b
Costa Del Sol.

I already live by the beach, so if I were to settle myself somewhere in Gaia, I would be right at home in Costa. It's difficult to say no to the prospect of this inviting location with clear blue skies, clear blue seas and the warm sun. However as a resort, I can't imagine Costa would be perfect. Tourists will be rampaging around, and if Crisis Core has anything to say, you don't know what sort of hideous monster will be found on the beach. A behemoth being one of them.

I would preferably avoid living permanently in Midgar. Despite its very urban atmosphere as a bustling metropolis, I wouldn't like to be stuck in a place that is seemingly at night all the time with its very dystopic aura.
Cosmo Canyon. It just seems like a cool place, and hanging out with friends by the bonfire would be awesome. And of course, it is Nanaki's hometown, who is my favourite FF character period, so if I was there I might actually meet him. xD

But yeah, just the general setting seems pretty nice, doesn't seem too bustling with people, so it shouldn't be some headache inducing racket of a busy town or something, so overall I think I could definitely get to liking being there, if it were real. :P
Cosmo Canyon

I'd be a fool not to live there. Everything else is pretty much too grim and gritty to realistically live there permanently. Think of the psychological injuries you could sustain from that.
For me it'd be either Nibelheim because of its mysterious, tranquil and rather nostalgic feel, or perhaps the higher Junon, because it seems like a nice city and is not too big like Midgar (and also I'd be able to take a ferry to Costa del Sol and the Gold Saucer during the holidays).
Cosmo Canyon
It seem's to be a very quiet place and you can sit beside the bonfire and look at the star's all night

Gold Saucer
Who wouldn't love spending all there money on the arcade game's or betting on the chocobo's
If I had to pick somewhere, I think it'd be Wutai, it seems like one of the more peaceful places depsite the previous Wutai war and all that.

I don't think many other places sound too appealing, except Costa. Apart from that midgar/Junon are all Shinra based, Icicle area (can't remember the name) would be a tad cold.. and so on. :8F:
Midgar would be good because it's a big city which has a lot of history what with the meteor and that. But I'd probably choose somewhere small like Nibelheim just because I'm more of a small town girl, rather than a big city girl.
Costa del Sol - love my little villa :D The beaches and stuff are lovely too.

I would also like to live in Rocket Town - I've always loved rockets!! I used to build model rockets when I was younger and fire them off. I was the only girl in rocketry class during summer camp D:
I do believe I'd live in

Cosmo Canyon
Icicle INN
Costa Del Sol

One of those places would be awesome <33

Cosmo Canyon because it's a beautiful desert-type area. I'm a huge astronomy fan so being able to see the stars that clearly would be beautiful.

Icicle INN because it's such a cute, small, little town. I love it's snowy scenary and how far away from everyone else it is. Very homey.

Costa Del Sol because it's a getaway to a tropical paradise. Who doesn't love that? :mokken:
probably Kalm. it's just a peaceful name and it's a nice town
I know it's not the best place to live in terms of comfort or housing and all that, but the Ancient's Forgotten City. You'd be away from people. A plus side imo, and it's just so beautiful and mysterious... And I mean, they have beds there so... You'd be in a really mystic environment, and you'd feel really close and connected to the planet, and the ancients. :3

There for sure.
I would LOVE to live in Cosmo Canyon and Costa Del Sol for the nice weather and culture they have. Do you find it weird that I'd want to live in the Forgotten City though? I love old things and knowledge so I'd love to be surrounded by it.
I'd probably choose to live in Midgar just to be closer to Tifa Lockheart =X I could also visit Aerith Church in Slums 6 when I'm really bored so I can see the two main girls in FFVII I really like =o
Likes Reita from the gazette???
i too like the man with no nose :P i like their muzak but its not as good as dir en grey and never will be :P

anyway i want to live in nibelheim, just so i can go and see the mako fountain whenever i want and so i aint too far from rocket town and cosmo canyon. two beautiful places with beautiful scenery