Which Character Has the Best Personality?


Oct 15, 2006
That right! So which is it for you guys? Who do you feel has the best personality throughout the whole game? I'm not asking you to pick your favorite character. What I am asking is who do you think has the best personality out of the bunch. Playable or non-playable, it doesn't matter to me. What personality sticks out the most in your mind from all of the characters?

For me it would have to be Aerith. Her upbeat, positive ways just really stuck out. She seemed to keep the party up and on the go with her upbeat, high strung ways. It seemed like after she died, everybody just became meloncholy and sad because Aerith wasn't there to keep reminding them to stay strong and stay positive about things, especially Cloud. Another favorite would have to be Nanaki. He's just so strong-willed and intelligent. That really struck me as well. This is just my opinion and now I want yours :)
I actually liked Barret, I'll probably be minority here. Most people look at him as your typical, loud-mouthed, hardass black guy(which he was I suppose). I loved the whole background story for Barret, the fact that he's taking care of the sweetest little girl(Marlene). The whole sittuation with Dyne. I personally think that Barret was more of the motivation type character, and I loved his personality.
I defiantly think Cloud thats one of the reasons why he's my favorite character, they built him up really well...
Cloud he's my fav character so wat I'm gonna choose Yufiie?? and ^ he's right
Im going to have to go with Aeris (How could i not)

Aeris was such a caring kind figure its hard not to like her, she always tries to cheer up the party too. Aeris is kind, friendly, and brave, she bravely goes to the forgotten city to stop sephiroth by herself, she is always there for cloud ans is just a kind happy person in general :D
I hated Aeris.....

Anyway, I think that Cid had the best personality. I don't side with Vincent and Cloud. They suck, they're people who lie upon their regrets and pain, wondering why they couldn't do anything to stop that special "someone" from suffering a tragic death. This is why I love Cid, he's a neverending lollercoaster:

Double posted because it was impossible to get past the image in edit post to add more.

I actually liked Barret, I'll probably be minority here. Most people look at him as your typical, loud-mouthed, hardass black guy(which he was I suppose). I loved the whole background story for Barret, the fact that he's taking care of the sweetest little girl(Marlene). The whole sittuation with Dyne. I personally think that Barret was more of the motivation type character, and I loved his personality.
Good man. I like it when someone goes for an underdog. That proves he's quite original. I thought that Barret played the loud black man quite well. The whole thing with Dyne was pretty cool too. I think you may have swayed my opinion you silver tongued devil.

I merged these posts for you ^_^

I'd have 2 say vincent just bcos of his luv for lucrecia nd he seems at first glance he has a dark feelin about him yet he wud always help ppl
I'd say Cloud. He was the most intriguing character for me. As far as "best" personality of someone I'd like to know personally, Aeris or Tifa, they were always happy and upbeat.
lol Jenova? But you don't even see a personality from Jenova. Pick a character who actually has relevance when it comes to personalities.
I don't know really obviously Cloud has the cool vibe but Vince is mysterious and intriguing, but who to choose???
Tifa...i honestly think she loved Cloud...but she always took it well and stood by him...dont forget who saved him at the end

<3 Tifa
Tifa then Vincent....Tifa is a supportive Girl and she know what every1 want
Vincent Coz he know exactly what he want.
Why does everyone say Cloud? Cloud this, Cloud that, Cloud just died because the paparazzi shot him to death with their flash.
I duno i think i would have to go with Cid, but then again, Aeris has an intriguing personality, shes always been the upbeat one, never let any situation gether down, always here for the comic relief.