Which Character Has the Best Personality?

LOL I gotta agree with you on that one. Aerith definantly had a way about her that made you smile. I loved her to pieces and still do to this day, though Cloud is my favorite FF character of all time. Aerith, however dressing Cloud up in women's clothing...classic. That is just purely classic.
one problem w/ vincent. . .he didn't have a bloody personality!!! he didn't have anything! he had lucrecia crescent and a sweet gun, that's about it. . .lol jk i like vincent but i think of the best personality, yuffie wins it. She just seems so. . .what's the word. . . carefree?
you do have a point there, that was a preeetttyyyy good setup there. . .loved how it ended with the pimp getting punched in the face. . .classic

and yes, i see your point on the whole vincent fiasco, but i still do like yuffie more. . .
Rikku doesn't count here buddy.^_^ this is a final fantasy VII sectioned thread. But I agree.
I like Aeris best, she was so sweet and innocent. If he was a play able character I would say Zack. He was a very nice guy... In away he was the male version of Aeris, probably the reason they are happy together.

I don't know why people are saying Cloud, because at the end of disk one and practically all threw disk 2 he has a brake down and loses it... Tough guy my arse.
some of you people need to say why. you say, oh aeris, like you expect people to know. There are the obious resons but the idea is to say why you think theyre the best, like the last thread above mine.

PS to alibaba-Reno was only really funny in advent children, which isn't in the ff7 game. unless of course, you mean the actual one in ff7, the one you have to fight on top of the structure-thingy.
Sephiroth cause he's totally insane and really cool ummm thats all i can think off I would say Reno but he's hardly in FF7
First thing's first, this thread is not for who is better for who. This thread was created for who has the best PERSONALITY. Follow the rules or be warned for spam.
Personally I like Vincent's personality. He's quiet and laid back. Full of paitence and the one that is not part of the 'in' crowd. Some say that he's like drama, goth, emo, whatever ... but however, he is an emotion / personality that is that of truth. He is not fake. This is my opinion and i'm sure that others see him quite diferantly. And I know I can't spell worth a damn.
Personally I like Vincent's personality. He's quiet and laid back. Full of paitence and the one that is not part of the 'in' crowd. Some say that he's like drama, goth, emo, whatever ... but however, he is an emotion / personality that is that of truth. He is not fake. This is my opinion and i'm sure that others see him quite diferantly. And I know I can't spell worth a damn.

I agree. It's a personal thing and I think pretty much everybody in FFVII has a personality. My favorites are Vin's, Reno's, and Yuffie's.

Vincent is quiet and laid back, and despite his reserve and sternness, he's sensitive and understanding. Whyyyy oh whyyyy can't he be real? XD

*Eats your awesome sig*
Reno, Tifa and Vincent, i would have said cloud but for most part of the game he (as you find out in the game) was showing his real personality due to the Jenova effects.
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I LOVED Cid's personality. lol.
He made everything funny.

I also liked Red XIII, he was like the calm and collected one that always kept his mouth shut when everyone else was acting retarded. XD