Which Character Has the Best Personality?

Cloud and Tifa in AC. BUT in VII It's gotta be Aeris, she's so nice!!!! and he voice is soft... Well everyting that she does is nice^ ^ And then It's Yuffie. Funny, clumsy and energetic.
Yuffie :>
You got to see a little bit more of her personality in Advent Children.
You can tell she is pretty laid back, but can snap to serious mode whenever its needed.
Plus shes practically a ninja :D
In the game I would have to say Aerith. Even though my sister hates her, I found that she is compassionate and caring. ^_^

In my fan-fic, some of the characters personalities change because I added someone else. I would have to say Vincent because he really can be kind and caring like anyone else. It's just that he got locked in a coffin for years, all of his feelings vanished. You can't blame him for being the way he is. I can't say Cloud because he's a murderer in the end of my fan-fic and Cloud always seemed a bit messed up from the beginning. Sephiroth also changes a lot and reveals a softer side in my story, but he still needs improvement too.;)
It has to be Cid, surely. He seemed a bit excentric, but I think that's basically where the personality came from. He was absolutely crazy, but pretty funny with it.
Unfortunatley, Cloud was a bit dull, and so was Tifa. They never really appealed to me that much.
best character

Well then how about Elena? She comes off as such a badarse but always finds a way to screw things up in certain ways that you wouldnt think anyone could screw up....kind of like in a wile-e-coyote vs road runner kind of way :P
thats true!! she does have a good personality in that kind of way. shes proberly the best female in my opinion.
Reno, because he does seem to be good at what he does, but he isnt toos serious all the time. I have to say, it was cool of him to actually rescue that kid in the bahumut scene rather than just saying screw this, run! (which he did, but with a kid under his arm.

Clouds cool too....
Yuffie and Aeris had the best personalities in my opinion. I came to this conclusion by observing the party in Aeris's absence, where people were down hearted, and the lack of humor when Yuffie wasn't there. Both of these characters added a lot of spunk to the group, I think.
Tifa has the best personality. She can be smart when needing and also can get serious in an instant. Funny she can be too. It's just great how she's so versitile.
Tifa has the best personality. She can be smart when needing and also can get serious in an instant. Funny she can be too. It's just great how she's so versitile.

I agree. XD She does indeed have many suprises up her sleeve, and can be rather unpredictable at times.
im thinking aeries in the nice upbeat kinda way, shed look after those who she cares about and always does whats right..
at the same time cloud is kick arse someone who can and will protect his friends no matter what ...
a mixof both of them would work well...though be quite odd
I'd have to go with Red XIII, he's quite down to earth altho bugenhagen kinda shows his naivetty when you get that conversation about seto and about his age,etc.. You can see Red XIII growing in the game, maybe I prefer him cuz he's actually the only non-human (as caith sith is kind of human).
has to be barret or cloud, barret just wins it for me, since he is ff7 version of mr T ie COOL. I think that on the map you should have a icon for the highwind, one for the sub and a icon where you have to leave barret cos he aint getting on no plane.
best personality...definitely aeris, she was always in a good mood and she was just the sweetest girl i was really pissed when she died. not just because i used her, but becasue i liked her as a character...hell, she even died with a smile on her face.
I'd have to go with Red XIII, he's quite down to earth altho bugenhagen kinda shows his naivetty when you get that conversation about seto and about his age,etc.. You can see Red XIII growing in the game, maybe I prefer him cuz he's actually the only non-human (as caith sith is kind of human).

I would agree with this. Red XIII is mature but he still had a lot to learn as you process through the game.
Cloud is my favorite, but best personality would be Barret or Cid. They both spoke they're minds frequently, and didnt take crap from no one.
Plus, whenever they got mad it was quite humorous.